
The table show keyword appearance of all theses, where this person is in the role of a mentor. Table includes only keywords, appearing at least twice. This shows, how mentor's research fields and interest are changing through time.

Person: Tanja Kamin

Diplomska dela             146     
Socialni marketing             43     
Oglaševanje             51     
Magistrske naloge             23     
tkiv ipd.             14     
Darovanje organov             14     
Tržno komuniciranje             13     
Promocija zdravja             4      
socialni marketing             1  11  
oglaševanje      2    1        
Trženje             21     
vedenjska sprememba           1     1  
Igre             2      
Igre na srečo             11     
Promocija              2     
trg1     1             
Slovenija             2      
komuniciranje        1          1
Covid-19                   2
samosledenje             2      
Zdravje             2