
Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Magistrska dela (5)

  1. Tanja Istenič: Evolution of transfers across different age groups in Slovenia
  2. Sara Zahović: Produktivnost in motivacija starejših zaposlenih
  3. Ambrož Rozman: Hibridni način dela in njegov vpliv na produktivnost zaposlenih v izbranem velikem podjetju
  4. Ana Grošelj: Mitigating economic consequences of population ageing in Slovenia and Austria in light of old-age poverty and gender inequality
  5. Monika Vesić: Primerjalna analiza investiranja v izbrane vzajemne delniške in obvezniške sklade

Diplomska dela (3)

  1. Klara Doler: Vpliv epidemije covid-19 na trg nepremičnin v Sloveniji
  2. Ana Jazbinšek: Forecasting inflation in Slovenia using autoregressive moving average processes
  3. Jurgen Tamasia: Primerjava pokojninskih sistemov Slovenije in Velike Britanije

Druga dela (10)

  1. Jože Sambt, Bernhard Hammer, Tanja Istenič: The European National Transfer Accounts
  2. Persida Cica Tofoska Apostolova, Tanja Istenič, Jože Sambt: Life cycle surplus and life cycle deficit of immigrants versus natives
  3. Ema Kelin, Tanja Istenič, Jože Sambt: Education as a partial remedy for the economic pressure of population ageing
  4. Gemma Abio, Concepció Patxot, Guadalupe Souto, Tanja Istenič: The role of gender, education and family in the welfare organization
  5. Martin Spielauer, Thomas Horvath, Marian Fink, Gemma Abio, Guadalupe Souto, Concepció Patxot, Tanja Istenič: Measuring the lifecycle impact of welfare state policies in the face of ageing
  6. Andrew Mason, Ronald Lee, Tanja Istenič, Jože Sambt: Six ways population change will affect the global economy
  7. Jože Sambt, Tanja Istenič: Posledice socializma in tranzicije v Sloveniji za premoženjsko stanje oseb v starosti 50+
  8. Daša Farčnik, Tanja Istenič: Has the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia affected gender gap in paid and unpaid work?
  9. Martin Spielauer, Thomas Horvath, Marian Fink, Gemma Abio, Guadalupe Souto, Concepció Patxot, Tanja Istenič: The effect of educational expansion and family change on the sustainability of public and private transfers
  10. Ema Kelin, Tanja Istenič, Jože Sambt: The role of educational attainment in production and transfers in the form of unpaid household work