
Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.

Magistrska dela (3)

  1. Urban Kotnik: Uporaba funkcijske rekonstrukcije porazdelitvene funkcije orientacij vlaken za napoved elastičnih lastnosti kompozitov
  2. Domen Gnidovec: Numerično modeliranje srčnožilnega sistema s sklapljanjem 0D modela z 2D modelom
  3. Marko Zarač: Numerično modeliranje strukturnega adhezivnega spoja vlakensko ojačanega poliestra in jekla

Diplomska dela (1)

  1. Jan Pugelj: Rekonstrukcija dvostopenjskega vodotlačnega varnostnega ventila

Druga dela (20)

  1. Matija Nabergoj, Janez Urevc, Miroslav Halilovič: Function-based reconstruction of the fiber orientation distribution function of short-fiber-reinforced polymers
  2. Andraž Maček, Janez Urevc, Miroslav Halilovič: Flat specimen shape recognition based on full-field optical measurements and registration using mapping error minimization method
  3. Andraž Maček, Janez Urevc, Tomaž Žagar, Miroslav Halilovič: Crimp joint with low sensitivity to process parameters: numerical and experimental study
  4. Janez Urevc, Miroslav Halilovič, Milan Brumen, Boris Štok: An approach to consider the arterial residual stresses in modelling of a patient-specific artery
  5. Janez Urevc, Bojan Starman, Andraž Maček, Miroslav Halilovič: A novel class of collocation methods based on the weighted integral form of ODEs
  6. Janez Urevc, Primož Rus, Miroslav Halilovič: Uporaba utežene integralske formulacije za izboljšanje natančnosti kolokacijskih metod tipa Runge-Kutta
  7. Štefan Obid, Miroslav Halilovič, Janez Urevc, Bojan Starman: Non-linear elastic tension–compression asymmetric anisotropic model for fibre-reinforced composite materials
  8. Janez Urevc, Vojko Flis, Milan Brumen, Boris Štok: Modelling the mechanical response of two-layered artery using thermomechanical analogy approach
  9. Janez Urevc, Miroslav Halilovič: Enhancing accuracy of Runge–Kutta-type collocation methods for solving ODEs
  10. Janez Urevc, Pino Koc, Boris Štok: Numerical simulation of stress relieving of an austenite stainless steel
  11. Andraž Maček, Janez Urevc, Bojan Starman, Miroslav Halilovič: Parameters' confidence intervals evaluation for heterogeneous strain field specimen designs by using digital image correlation
  12. Janez Urevc, Iztok Žun, Milan Brumen, Boris Štok: Modeling the effect of red blood cells deformability on blood flow conditions in human carotid artery bifurcation
  13. Janez Urevc, Milan Brumen, Vojko Flis, Boris Štok: Applying thermomechanical analogy to predict the arterial residual stress state
  14. Miroslav Halilovič, Janez Urevc, Pino Koc: Prediction of recirculation flow rate for icing prevention in water intake supply systems of nuclear power plants
  15. Vishwajeet Shankhwar, Janez Urevc, Bianca Steuber, Karin Schimd-Zalaudek, Andrej Bergauer, Hanan Alsuwaidi, Stefan Du Plessis, Alawi Alsheikh-Ali, Catherine Kellett, Riad Bayoumi, Andrew Phillip Blaber, Nandu Goswami: Association of gender with cardiovascular and autonomic responses to central hypovolemia
  16. Adam Salon, Nikola Vladic, Karin Schimd-Zalaudek, Bianca Steuber, Anna Hawliczek, Janez Urevc, Andrej Bergauer, Vid Pivec, Vishwajeet Shankhwar, Nandu Goswami: Sex variations in retinal microcirculation response to lower body negative pressure
  17. Andraž Maček, Bojan Starman, Sam Coppieters, Janez Urevc, Miroslav Halilovič: Confidence intervals of inversely identified material model parameters
  18. Vishwajeet Shankhwar, Janez Urevc, Bianca Steuber, Karin Schimd-Zalaudek, Adam Salon, Anna Hawliczek, Andrej Bergauer, Khawla Aljasmi, Asrar Abdi, Asmaa Naser: Effects of menstrual cycle on hemodynamic and autonomic responses to central hypovolemia
  19. Štefan Obid, Bojan Starman, Janez Urevc, Miroslav Halilovič: Extraction of uniaxial stress–strain curve from bending test using DIC measurements
  20. Janez Urevc, Pino Koc, Boris Štok: Characterization of material parameters used in the mathematical modelling of arc welding and heat treatment processes