
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

BSc theses (1)

  1. Tjaša Polutnik: Glasovne motnje pri 5-7 letnih otrocih

Other documents (4)

  1. Ana Trajkovski, Marija Hribernik, Robert Kunc, Matej Kranjec, Simon Krašna: Analysis of the mechanical response of damaged human cervical spine ligaments
  2. Simon Krašna, Srđan Đorđević, Marija Hribernik, Ana Trajkovski: A novel approach to measuring muscle mechanics in vehicle collision conditions
  3. Matej Kranjec, Ana Trajkovski, Simon Krašna, Marija Hribernik, Robert Kunc: Material properties of human patellar-ligament grafts from the elderly population
  4. Slaheddine Ghannouchi, Raja Gošnak Dahmane, Anja Boc, Salah Jarrar, Soumaya Mougou Zrelli: General anatomy