
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (1)

  1. Simona Mencej Bedrač: Vloga genov signalne poti Wnt in gena TNFSF11 v kostni homeostazi

MSc theses (1)

  1. Nina Orehek: Učinkovitost zdravljenja hude osteoporoze z denosumabom ali bosfonati pri bolnicah, ki so zaključile zdravljenje s teriparatidom

Other documents (1)

  1. Tomaž Kocjan, Antonela Sabati Rajić, Mojca Jensterle Sever, Andrej Janež, Gaj Vidmar, Nina Orehek, Janja Marc, Barbara Ostanek: Treatment of osteoporosis with teriparatide