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Open Science Slovenia
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PhD theses (1)
Tina Eleršek:
Vpliv mikrocistinov in planktopeptina na rast in fotosintezo nekaterih fitoplanktonskih organizmov
Other documents (9)
Bojan Sedmak, Shmuel Carmeli, Tina Eleršek:
"Non-toxic" cyclic peptides induce lysis of cyanobacteria-an effective cell population density control mechanism in cyanobacterial blooms
Bojan Sedmak, Shmuel Carmeli, Maruša Pompe Novak, Magda Tušek-Žnidarič, Olga Grach-Pogrebinsky, Tina Eleršek, Monika C. Žužek, Anja Bubik, Robert Frangež:
Cyanobacterial cytoskeleton immunostaining: the detection of cyanobacterial cell lysis induced by planktopeptin BL1125
Bojan Sedmak, Tina Eleršek, Olga Grach-Pogrebinsky, Shmuel Carmeli, Nataša Sever, Tamara Lah Turnšek:
Ecotoxicologically relevant cyclic peptides from cyanobacterial bloom (Planktothrix rubecens) - a threat to human and environmental health
Metka Filipič, Bojana Žegura, Bojan Sedmak, Irena Horvat-Žnidaršič, Aleksandra Milutinović Živin, Dušan Šuput:
Subchronic exposure of rats to sublethal dose of microcystin-YR induces DNA damage in multiple organs
Bojan Sedmak, Dušan Šuput:
Co-opeative effects in tumorigenicity. The microcystin example
Anja Bubik, Robert Frangež, Monika C. Žužek, Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Tamara Lah Turnšek, Bojan Sedmak:
Cyanobacterial cyclic peptides can disrupt cytoskeleton organization in human astrocytes
Yi Ding, Lirong Song, Bojan Sedmak:
UVB radiation as a potential selective factor favoring microcystin producing bloom forming cyanobacteria
Bojana Žegura, Metka Filipič, Dušan Šuput, Tamara Lah Turnšek, Bojan Sedmak:
In vitro genotoxicity of microcystin-RR on primary cultured rat hepatocites and Hep G2 cell line detected by Comet assay
Marina Dermastia, Radovan Komel, Tom Turk:
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