
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (2)

  1. Viljem Haris Topčič: Vpliv nekaterih dejavnikov na intraoperativno izmerjen pretok in kazalec utripanja koronarnih obvodov
  2. Janez Toplišek: Vpliv uspešnosti radiofrekvenčne ablacije persistentne atrijske fibrilacije na remodelacijo levega preddvora in prekata

Other documents (2)

  1. Nataša Karas Kuželički, Alenka Šmid, Maša Vidmar, Tina Kek, Borut Geršak, Uroš Mazić, Irena Mlinarič-Raščan, Ksenija Geršak: A common polymorphism in the MTHFD1 gene is a modulator of risk of congenital heart disease
  2. Nataša Karas Kuželički, Alenka Šmid, Maša Vidmar, Tina Kek, Andreja Eberlinc, Borut Geršak, Uroš Mazić, Irena Mlinarič-Raščan, Ksenija Geršak: Higher incidence of common polymorphisms in the genes of folate and methionine cycles in children with orofacial clefs and congenital heart defects compared to their unaffected siblings