
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

MSc theses (1)

  1. Oskar Cvjetičanin: Zasnova krmilnega sistema gleženjskega izokinetičnega dinamometra

BSc theses (7)

  1. Miha Fajon: Pozna rehabilitacija in preventiva poškodb rame v športu
  2. Jure Drakslar: Kondicijska priprava slovenske košarkarske reprezentance do 20 let za nastop na EP 2007 v Novi Gorici
  3. Miloš Kalc: Merske značilnosti testa aktivnega sledenja kota in sile v kolenu
  4. Ana Tratnik: Metode za vrednotenje nepravilnosti telesne drže
  5. Borut Fonda: Med-mišična koordinacija pri kolesarjenju v klanec in pri različnih geometrijskih nastavitvah kolesa
  6. Gregor Omejec: Ponovljivost in občutljivost treh testov ravnotežja
  7. Peter Krivec: Sredstva in metode kondicijske vadbe v obdobju vračanja športnika na športni teren po rekonstrukciji prednjega križnega ligamenta

Other documents (12)

  1. Darjan Spudić, Robert Cvitkovič, Nejc Šarabon: Assessment and evaluation of force–velocity variables in flywheel squats
  2. Dragan M. Mirkov, Olivera M. Knezevic, Amador García Ramos, Milan Čoh, Nejc Šarabon: Gender-related differences in mechanics of the sprint start and sprint acceleration of top national-level sprinters
  3. Darjan Spudić, Darjan Smajla, Michael David Burnard, Nejc Šarabon: Muscle activation sequence in flywheel squats
  4. Denisa Manojlović, Martin Zorko, Darjan Spudić, Nejc Šarabon: Strength, flexibility and postural control of the trunk and lower body in participants with and without patellofemoral pain
  5. Denisa Manojlović, Martin Zorko, Darjan Spudić, Nejc Šarabon: Effects of a targeted exercise program on inter-leg asymmetries in patients with patellofemoral pain
  6. Martin Zorko, Karmen Hirsch, Nejc Šarabon, Matej Supej: The influence of ski waist-width and fatigue on knee-joint stability and skier's balance
  7. Tim Kambič, Nejc Šarabon, Vedran Hadžić, Mitja Lainščak: Objectively measured physical activity in patients with coronary artery disease
  8. Matej Supej, Jan Ogrin, Nejc Šarabon, Hans-Christer Holmberg: Asymmetries in the technique and ground reaction forces of elite alpine skiers influence their slalom perfermance
  9. Darjan Smajla, Darjan Spudić, Nejc Šarabon: Influence of load and phase of contraction on lateral symmetries in flywheel squats
  10. Jan Ogrin, Nejc Šarabon, Mads Kjær Madsen, Uwe Kersting, Hans-Christer Holmberg, Matej Supej: Asymmetries in ground reaction forces during turns by elite slalom alpine skiers are not related to asymmetries in muscular strength
  11. Tim Kambič, Nejc Šarabon, Mitja Lainščak, Vedran Hadžić: Combined resistance training with aerobic training improves physical performance in patients with coronary artery disease
  12. Ferdinand Prüfer, Monika Pavlović, Špela Matko, Stefan Loefler, Michael J. Fischer, Nejc Šarabon, Vincent Grote: Responsiveness of isokinetic dynamometry in patients with osteoarthritis after knee and hip arthroplasty