
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

BSc theses (1)

  1. Darko Štraus: Razvojno testiranje RFID značke

Other documents (3)

  1. Žiga Korošak, Nejc Suhadolnik, Anton Pleteršek: The implementation of a low power environmental monitoring and soil moisture measurement system based on UHF RFID
  2. Nejc Suhadolnik, Jernej Rozman, Tilen Svete, Žiga Korošak, Maja Atanasijević-Kunc, Anton Pleteršek: Phase detection and modulation improvement for active load modulation during continuous transmission
  3. Žiga Korošak, Nejc Suhadolnik, Anton Pleteršek: Design of multi standard near field communication outphasing transmitter with modulation wave shaping