
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (1)

  1. Branko Bogunović: Water fluxes at the entrance to the Gulf of Trieste

MSc theses (1)

  1. Boštjan Melinc: Analiza meritev turbulence v Bazenu II Luke Koper

Other documents (24)

  1. Daniela Turk, Vlado Malačič, Boris Petelin, M. DeGrandpre, Wade R. McGillis: Variability in northern Adriatic pCO2
  2. Boris Petelin, Vlado Malačič, Alenka Malej, Matjaž Kukar, Igor Kononenko: Multi-level association rules and directed graphs for the Lagrangian analysis of the Mediterranean ocean forecasting system (MFS)
  3. Vlado Malačič: Initial spread of an effluent and the overturning length scale near an underwater source in the northern Adriatic
  4. Vlado Malačič, Massimo Celio, Branko Čermelj, Andrea Bussani, Cinzia Comici: Interannual evolution of seasonal thermohaline properties in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic) 1991-2003
  5. Tom Bajcar, Vlado Malačič, Alenka Malej, Brane Širok: Kinematic properties of the jellyfish Aurelia sp.
  6. Patricija Mozetič, Vlado Malačič, Valentina Turk: A case study of sewage discharge in the shallow coastal area of the Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Trieste)
  7. Vlado Malačič, Boris Petelin: Climate circulation in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic)
  8. Un golfo per tre rigassificatori - TV omizje
  9. Morska biološka postaja Piran
  10. Vlado Malačič: Misurazioni e simulazioni per la conoscenza del mare
  11. Kakovost slovenskega morja
  12. Vlado Malačič, Jadran Faganeli, Janez Forte: Prof. dr. Jože Štirn, dobitnik NIB-ove nagrade za življenjsko delo
  13. Boris Petelin, Martin Vodopivec, Vlado Malačič: Topographic control of wind-driven circulation in the northern Adriatic
  14. Dušan Žagar, Vanja Ramšak, Matjaž Ličer, Boris Petelin, Vlado Malačič: Uporaba numeričnih modelov ob razlitjih nafte na morju
  15. Hrvoje Mihanović, Ivica Vilibić, S. Carniel, M. Tudor, A. Russo, A. Bergamasco, N. Bubić, Z. Ljubešić, Damir Viličić, A. Boldrin, Vlado Malačič, Massimo Celio, Cinzia Comici, F. Raicich: Exceptional dense water formation on the Adriatic shelf in the winter of 2012
  16. Alenka Malej, Jadran Faganeli, Vlado Malačič: Mnenje o študiji družbe "Terminal Alpi Adriatico S.r.l." Terminale Offshore di Rigassificazione di GNL e Condotta a Mare - Golfo di Trieste, Studio di Impatto Ambientale, Sintesi non Technica
  17. C.E. Dorman, Vlado Malačič: February 2003 marine atmospheric conditions and the bora over the northern Adriatic
  18. Branko Bogunović, Vlado Malačič: Circulation in the Gulf of Trieste: Measurements and model results
  19. Janja Francé, Branko Čermelj, Patricija Mozetič, Nives Kovač, Oliver Bajt, Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Lovrenc Lipej, Borut Mavrič, Valentina Turk, Andreja Ramšak, Milijan Šiško, Tjaša Kogovšek, Tinkara Tinta, Boris Petelin, Vlado Malačič, Alenka Malej: First experiences in the implementation of the MSFD in the Adriatic Sea: pressures and impacts
  20. Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Lovrenc Lipej, Borut Mavrič, Janja Francé, Branko Čermelj, Alenka Malej, Valentina Turk, Patricija Mozetič, Andreja Ramšak, Milijan Šiško, Tjaša Kogovšek, Tinkara Tinta, Boris Petelin, Oliver Bajt, Nives Kovač, Vlado Malačič: First experiences in the implementation of the MSFD in the Adriatic Sea: descriptors of ecological quality
  21. Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Lovrenc Lipej, Borut Mavrič, Janja Francé, Branko Čermelj, Alenka Malej, Valentina Turk, Patricija Mozetič, Andreja Ramšak, Milijan Šiško, Tjaša Kogovšek, Tinkara Tinta, Boris Petelin, Oliver Bajt, Nives Kovač, Vlado Malačič: Determination of Good Environmental Status: Slovenian Experiences
  22. Boris Petelin, Igor Kononenko, Vlado Malačič, Matjaž Kukar: Multi-level association rules and directed graphs for spatial data analysis
  23. Tinkara Tinta, Maja Ravnikar, Vlado Malačič, Valentina Turk: V spomin profesorju, mentorju, sodelavcu in prijatelju prof. dr. Juriju Piškurju
  24. Lovrenc Lipej, Vlado Malačič: Prof. dr. Jadran Faganeli - prejemnik Velike nagrade Miroslava Zeia za življenjsko delo na področju dejavnosti Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo