
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (2)

  1. Mojca Hrovat: Ekologija ličink enodnevnic (Ephemeroptera), vrbnic (Plecoptera) in mladoletnic (Trichoptera) v rekah bioregije Preddinarska hribovja in ravnine
  2. Vesna Petkovska: Vpliv hidromorfoloških lastnosti vodotokov Slovenije na združbe bentoških nevretenčarjev

MSc theses (2)

  1. Gregor Kolman: Ribe in vzdolžna povezanost vodotokov na porečju Sore
  2. Mateja Nose Marolt: Sodelovanje javnosti pri doseganju ciljev omrežja Natura 2000 in izvajanju Vodne direktive

BSc theses (2)

  1. Martina Jaklič: Ribe v reki Ščavnici
  2. Martina Martinčič: Združbe rib v porečjih Drave, Save in Soče ugotovljene na podlagi pisnih virov iz 19. in prve polovice 20. stoletja

Other documents (12)

  1. Gorazd Urbanič: Ecological status assessment of the rivers in Slovenia - an overview
  2. Gorazd Urbanič: Hydromorphological degradation impact on benthic invertebrates in large rivers in Slovenia
  3. Gorazd Urbanič, Barbara Debeljak, Urška Kuhar, Mateja Germ, Alenka Gaberščik: Responses of freshwater diatoms and macrophytes rely on the stressor gradient length across the river systems
  4. Gorazd Urbanič, Samo Podgornik: Testing some European fish-based assessment systems using Slovernian fish datafrom the Ecoregion Alps
  5. Gorazd Urbanič, Špela Remec-Rekar, Gorazd Kosi, Mateja Germ, Mihael Bricelj, Samo Podgornik: Tipologija jezer v Sloveniji
  6. Gorazd Urbanič: New records of the family Hydroptilidae for the caddisfly (Insecta: Trichoptera) fauna of Slovenia
  7. Gorazd Urbanič: Subekoregije in bioregije celinskih voda Slovenije
  8. Anna Occhipinti Ambrogi, Giulia Forni, Cecilia Silvestri, Marina Argyrou, Ester Jordana, Borut Mavrič, Susana Pinedo, Nomiki Simboura, Gorazd Urbanič: The Mediterranean intercalibration exercise on soft-bottom benthic invertebrates with special emphasis on the Italian situation
  9. Sandra Poikãne, Špela Remec-Rekar, Gorazd Urbanič: Defining chlorophyll-a reference conditions in European lakes
  10. Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Borut Mavrič, Gorazd Urbanič: Development of a new index for the assessment of hydromorphological alterations of the Mediterranean rocky shore
  11. Urška Kuhar, Mateja Germ, Alenka Gaberščik, Gorazd Urbanič: Development of a River Macrophyte Index (RMI) for assessing river ecological status
  12. Maja Pavlin Urbanič, Sebastian Birk, Daniel Hering, Gorazd Urbanič: The role of land use, nutrients, and other stressors in shaping benthic invertebrate assemblages in Slovenian rivers