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Bibliografija osebe. Seznam zajema vsa gradiva in ne le tista, kje je oseba mentor.
Doktorska dela (1)
Klemen Knez:
Endogenous economic mechanisms of uneven development
Magistrska dela (1)
Tilen Rupar:
The green new deal
Diplomska dela (3)
Rok Spruk:
Dolgoročna kriza pokojninskih sistemov v državah OECD
Vita Volgemut:
Long-run growth effects of Carinthian plebiscite
Anastasiya Lendel:
Violation of international law and the effectiveness of sanctions against Russia
Druga dela (13)
Rok Spruk:
Regional convergence and trade liberalization under weak state capacity
Mitja Kovač, Salvini Datta, Rok Spruk:
Pharmaceutical product liability, litigation regimes, and the propensity to patent
Mitja Kovač, Rok Spruk:
Diversification of procedural and administrative costs and innovation
Simon Hartmann, Rok Spruk:
The impact of unilateral BIT terminations on FDI
Federico Asta, Lela Mélon, Rok Spruk:
Bono malum superate
David J. Gilchrist, Thomas Emery, Nuno Garoupa, Rok Spruk:
Synthetic Control Method
Rok Spruk, Mitja Kovač:
Does a ban on trans fats improve public health
Thomas Emery, Lela Mélon, Rok Spruk:
Does e-procurement matter for economic growth?
Aleksandar Kešeljević, Rok Spruk:
Estimating the effects of Syrian civil war
Chiara Natalie Focacci, Mitja Kovač, Rok Spruk:
Ethnolinguistic diversity, quality of local public institutions, and firm-level innovation
Robert John Kolesar, Rok Spruk, Tsheten Tsheten:
Evaluating country performance after transitioning from Gavi assistance
Thomas Emery, Mitja Kovač, Rok Spruk:
Estimating the effects of political instability in nascent democracies
Nuno Garoupa, Rok Spruk:
Measuring political institutions in the long run