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Open Science Slovenia
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MSc theses (1)
Žan Girandon, Pia Groleger, Luka Pleskovič:
Načrtovanje predlogov in rešitev za dvig ozaveščenosti in odpravo problema onesnaženosti vode pri lokalnih skupnostih z lastnim vodnim zajemom
Other documents (24)
Barbara Predan:
A discussion of processes to create a curriculum and handbook for co-creation and active implementation of co-design with the aim of stimulating collective creativity
Barbara Predan:
Through the other side of the looking-glass
Barbara Predan:
Z nasprotne strani zrcala
Barbara Predan:
Robovi, stičišča in utopije prijateljstva
Barbara Predan:
The island of the possible
Barbara Predan:
Svetovi (neuvrščenih) skupnosti oblikovanja
Barbara Predan:
Circular design in design education
Barbara Predan:
Alternatives to the life of the submissive
Barbara Predan, Gaja Mežnarić Osole:
Oblikovanje kot dejavnik spodbujanja skupnostnih ekonomij v antropocenu
Barbara Predan, Simon Bregar, Eva Garibaldi, Lin Gerkman, Miha Hain, Jakob Koncut, Neža Medved, Tjaša Mužina, Simon Izidor Rozman, Blaž Skodlar, Gregor Stražar, Jera Tratar, Andraž Rudi Vrhovšek, Mateja Mešl, Gregor Lavrič:
Barbara Predan, Simon Bregar, Eva Garibaldi, Lin Gerkman, Miha Hain, Jakob Koncut, Neža Medved, Tjaša Mužina, Simon Izidor Rozman, Blaž Skodlar, Gregor Stražar, Jera Tratar, Andraž Rudi Vrhovšek, Mateja Mešl, Gregor Lavrič:
Barbara Predan, Simon Bregar, Eva Garibaldi, Lin Gerkman, Miha Hain, Jakob Koncut, Neža Medved, Tjaša Mužina, Simon Izidor Rozman, Blaž Skodlar, Gregor Stražar, Jera Tratar, Andraž Rudi Vrhovšek:
Barbara Predan, Simon Bregar, Eva Garibaldi, Lin Gerkman, Miha Hain, Jakob Koncut, Neža Medved, Tjaša Mužina, Simon Izidor Rozman, Blaž Skodlar, Gregor Stražar, Jera Tratar, Andraž Rudi Vrhovšek:
Barbara Predan, Daša Tepina:
The culture of non-alignment
Barbara Predan:
The impacts of non-aligned design
Boštjan Botas Kenda:
Oblikovanje je povsod okoli nas
Barbara Predan, Petra Černe Oven:
Developing a pedagogical approach with the aim of empowering educators and students to address emerging global issues such as climate change and social justice
Barbara Predan:
Med praznino in substanco kritične analize v oblikovanju
Črt Štrubelj:
Echoes of tomorrow or, How to think present on the basis of the assumptions of the future
Echoes of tomorrow
Barbara Predan:
Čas za čas in njegovo (ne)delovanje
Vizualna pismenost
The culture of the non-aligned
Robovi, stičišča in utopije prijateljstva
Additional bibliography on other web sites