
Bibliography of the person, including all types of documents, not only theses.

PhD theses (1)

  1. Antonio Janevski: Potresni odziv armiranobetonskih povezanih sten

MSc theses (1)

  1. Miha Remec: Potresni odziv pravokotnih armiranobetonskih sten povezanih s ploščami

Other documents (3)

  1. Tatjana Isaković, Matija Gams, Antonio Janevski, Zoran Rakicevic, Aleksandra Bogdanović, Goran Jekić, Kristijan Kolozvari, John W. Wallace, Matej Fischinger: Shake table test of RC walls' coupling provided by slabs
  2. Antonio Janevski, Jae-Do Kang, Tatjana Isaković: Simulation of the E-Defense 2015 test on a 10-storey building using macro-models
  3. Antonio Janevski, Tatjana Isaković: Seismic response of RC walls coupled by slabs without coupling beams