
Načela ustavnosodnega odločanja
ID Kavčič, Aleš (Author), ID Kaučič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2213EA8604642D3E98DE074460477AF5
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/da3fb5df-e836-4ce8-9b0c-cabaf4128394

Postopek odločanja Ustavnega sodišča Republike Slovenije urejajo in usmerjajo pravna pravila in pravna načela, ki so določena v Ustavi Republike Slovenije, zakonih in mednarodnih virih. Tako kot v drugih pravnih postopkih tudi v postopku pred Ustavnim sodiščem veljajo temeljna ustavna procesna jamstva in nekatera specifična načela ustavnosodnega odločanja. Zaradi posebnega ustavnega položaja Ustavnega sodišča se pri načelih javnosti, neodvisnosti, nepristranskosti, kontradiktornosti in načelu kolegijskega odločanja pojavljajo posebnosti, nekatera klasična procesna jamstva pa zaradi narave odločanja in ustavnega položaja ne veljajo pred Ustavnim sodiščem. Postopek pred tem sodiščem se v večini primerov začne v skladu z dispozitivnim načelom, Ustavno sodišče pa ima tudi možnost, da postopek začne po načelu koneksitete. Za samo odločanje je najpomembnejše načelo sorazmernosti, s katerim Ustavno sodišče presoja ustavnost posegov v človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine. Načelo pravnega interesa pa določa, kdo lahko poda pobudo za začetek postopka za oceno ustavnosti in zakonitosti.

Keywords:Ustavno sodišče Republike Slovenije, ustavnosodno odločanje, postopek, pravna načela, ustavna procesna jamstva, sorazmernost.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99968 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15581521 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The Principles of Constitutional Decision-making
The decision-making process of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia is regulated and directed by legal rules and principles provided for in the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, legal acts, and international legal sources. Like in any legal proceeding, the fundamental constitutional procedural guarantees and specific principles of constitutional decisions apply in proceedings before the Constitutional Court. The Court has a specific constitutional position, which is why some specificities can be observed in the principles of publicity, independence and objectivity, the adversarial principle, and the principle of collegiate decision-making. In addition, some of the typical procedural guarantees do not apply before the Constitutional Court. Proceedings before the Constitutional Court are usually initiated in line with the principle that the parties delimit the subject matter of the proceedings, while the Court has the option to initiate the proceeding in line with the principle of connection. However, the most important principle in the decision-making process is the principle of proportionality, which is used for considering the constitutionality of interferences with human rights and fundamental freedoms. As for the principle of legal interest, it stipulates who can provide an initiative for starting the process of reviewing constitutionality and legality.

Keywords:Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, constitutional decision-making, proceeding, legal principles, constitutional procedural guarantees, proportionality.

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