
Inventarizacija in koncept razvoja parka v Študentskem naselju v Ljubljani
ID Bombač, Dušan (Author), ID Brus, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kobal, Milan (Comentor)

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MD5: 52D52250E8DDCDA3EAE80AF84030079A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/fc1cb260-4d7b-4523-9fc0-c3863aabb1a7

Namen magistrske naloge je izvedba izmere površin v Študentskem naselju v Rožni dolini v Ljubljani ter inventarizacija drevnine na parkovnih površinah v naselju. Površine v naselju smo razdelili glede na namen rabe, in sicer na zelene površine, stavbišča, parkirne in komunalne površine, športno rekreativne površine in Študentske skupnostne vrtove. Izmerili smo tudi dolžino živih mej. Ugotovili smo, da je delež zelenih oziroma parkovnih površin v naselju 46,6 %, povprečna parkovna površina na stanovalca naselja pa 10,6 m2. Z inventarizacijo drevnine smo popisali vsa drevesa, ki presegajo meritveni prag (10 cm), in jim določili evidenčno številko, rod, vrsto in zdravstveno stanje. Popisali in analizirali smo 478 dreves, od tega je 13,6 % iglavcev in 86,4 % listavcev. Povprečna višina analiziranih dreves je 14,1 m. Popisana drevesa smo obravnavali tudi po stopnji alergenosti in invazivnosti. Po presoji zdravstvenega stanja drevnine smo ugotovili, da je stanje dobro, 77,0 % vseh dreves je vitalnih, manj vitalnih je 12,8 % vseh dreves, 6,0 % je slabo vitalnih in le 4,2 % od vseh dreves je v zelo slabem stanju, predvsem zaradi starosti. Glede na ugotovljeno stanje smo predstavili enega od možnih zasnov razvoja parka. Predstavljena razvojna zasnova predvideva ukrepe za izboljšanje stanja zasajene drevnine, glede na stanje in deleže površin po namenski rabi pa smo predlagali nekaj idejnih rešitev za povečanje deleža zelenih površin in razdelitev parkovnih površin na območja za rekreativne dejavnosti ter druženje in mirne cone, namenjene predvsem študiju.

Keywords:študentsko naselje, park, inventarizacija, koncept razvoja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99951 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5000102 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Inventory and development concept of the student campus park in Ljubljana
The objective of the master thesis is implementation of measuring of surfaces in student campus Rožna dolina in Ljubljana and inventory of woody vegetation in the park areas within the campus. The campus areas have been divided, according to the purpose of use, into green areas, buildings, parking and communal areas, sports and recreational areas and Student community gardens. The length of hedges has also been measured. It has been established that the share of green or park areas in the campus is 46.6 %, and the surface of these areas per campus inhabitant is 10.6 m2. The woody plant inventory has recorded all trees above the measuring threshold. Each specimen has been given an ID number and its genus, species and health status have been determined. The survey and analysis have included 478 trees, of which 13.6 % are conifers and 86.4 % are deciduous. The average height of the analyzed trees is 14.1 m. The listed trees have also been considered with regard to the level of their allergenicity and invasiveness. The assessment of the health state of the trees has established that the overall state is good. There is 77,0 % of vital trees, 12,8 % of less vital trees, 6,0 % in bad condition and only 4.2 % are in very bad condition, mainly due to age. Based on the results of the survey, a development concept of the park has been proposed. The new development concept envisages measures for improving the state of woody vegetation planting. According to the state and share of each type of use, some conceptual solutions to increase the share of green areas and a distribution of recreational areas, socializing areas and peaceful zones, intended primarily for study, in the park have been proposed.

Keywords:student campus, park area, inventory, concept of development

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