
Zasnova fizičnega omrežja za potrebe novega ponudnika internetnih storitev
ID BRICMAN, NIVES (Author), ID Mraz, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A1751CB0FE125361FB906E0E64F686C8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/39e18cf2-7ec6-4b46-863f-ae3466d47840

V diplomskem delu obravnavamo problem postavitve poenostavljenega modela fizičnega omrežja na območju Upravne enote Slovenj Gradec, ki jo sestavljata občini Slovenj Gradec in Mislinja. Na začetku diplomskega dela najprej opišemo lastnosti analitičnega in simulacijskega pristopa. Slednjega uporabimo kot metodo za reševanje obravnavanega problema. Nadaljujemo z analizo opazovanega območja občin Slovenj Gradec in Mislinja, s pomočjo katere določimo grobe ocene števila bivanjskih in poslovnih uporabnikov, ki bodo priključeni v naše omrežje. V nadaljevanju določimo oceno količine podatkov na posamezen tip uporabnika. Osredotočimo se na količino prometa poslanega do uporabnika in količino prometa generiranega s strani uporabnika. Analizi uporabnikov sledi združitev naselij v območja, ki jih uporabimo kot začetne generatorje prometa našega modela omrežja. Odprtokodno simulacijsko orodje OMNeT++ uporabimo za implementacijo gradnikov modela omrežja, izvedbo dejanske simulacije in njene analize. Po izvedbi simulacijskih eksperimentov podrobneje analiziramo in predstavimo rezultate metrik čakalnih in potovalnih časov ter uporabnostnih faktorjev povezav.

Keywords:model računalniškega omrežja, OMNeT++, računalniške simulacije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99785 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Design of the wired network for an internet service provider
In this thesis we discuss the problem of a simplified physical organization of network on area of Administrative Office of Slovenj Gradec, which consists of municipalities of Slovenj Gradec and Mislinja. First, we describe the characteristics of analytical and simulation approach. The last one is used as the method for solving the discussed problem. Next is the analysis of the observed area of municipalities Slovenj Gradec and Mislinja, which helps us to evaluate roughly number of household and business users, connected to our network. We continue with the quantity assessment of data, according to each type of users. The center of our attention is the data traffic download and upload. User analysis is followed by gathering the settlements into areas, which are used as primal generators of data traffic of our network model. Open source simulation tool called OMNeT++ is used for implementation of network model components, running of actual simulation and its analysis. After the run of simulation experiments there is also detailed analysis and presentation of metric results such as channel utilization factor, packet waiting and travelling time.

Keywords:computer network model, OMNeT++, computer simulations

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