
Analiza diplomskih, magistrskih in doktorskih nalog, ki so vključevale podatke športnovzgojnega kartona v obdobju 2007–2017 : magistrsko delo
ID Jelenko, Teja (Author), ID Kovač, Marjeta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Starc, Gregor (Comentor)

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MD5: 8D3A7FA4A3F002C29FA3ABB7985469F2
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/306f0f7d-accc-4cfe-9efc-1f174ddeda5f

SLOfit ali Športnovzgojni karton (ŠVK) zbirka je ena največjih zbirk podatkov o telesnem in gibalnem razvoju otrok. Namen magistrske naloge je bil narediti pregled in analizo vseh diplomskih, magistrskih in doktorskih nalog, ki so nastale na Fakulteti za šport Univerze v Ljubljani in so vključevale podatke ŠVK v zadnjem desetletnem obdobju. Število diplomantov, njihova imena in priimke ter vrsto zaključenega študijskega programa smo pridobili v študentskem referatu Fakultete za šport in naloge poiskali s pomočjo spletnega brskalnika virtualne knjižnice COBISS. Iskanje je potekalo dvakrat, najprej po seznamu in nato po ključnih besedah. S pomočjo programa Microsoft Excel in SPSS smo izračunali frekvenčne porazdelitve in rezultate predstavili v obliki tabel. V obdobju od 1.1.2007 do 30.6.2017 je na Fakulteti za šport nastalo 2014 nalog. V tem magistrskem delu smo obravnavali 2006 nalog, od tega je bilo 28 nalog s podatki ŠVK zbirke. Ugotovili smo, da je večina avtorjev, ki so v nalogah uporabili ŠVK podatke, zaključilo študijske programe Športne vzgoje (stari univerzitetni in prvostopenjski ter drugostopenjski bolonjski). Največ je raziskovalnih diplomskih nalog in večino nalog najdemo v virtualni knjižnici COBISS. Avtorji so v svojih nalogah največkrat obravnavali osnovnošolsko populacijo. Nekaj nalog vključuje samo eno starostno skupino, pogosteje pa se pojavljata celotno osnovnošolsko obdobje od 1. do 9. razreda in zadnje izobraževalno obdobje osnovne šole (7. do 9. razred). Ugotovili smo, da je večina avtorjev preučevala fante in dekleta, hkrati so preverjali tudi razlike med spoloma. V šestih nalogah, kjer so avtorji preučevali določen spol, so opazovali selekcionirane vzorce. Vzorec preizkušancev v nalogah večinoma predstavlja splošno populacijo. Med dejavniki telesnega fitnesa (antropološki kazalniki, posamezni kazalniki gibalne učinkovitosti ali indeks splošne gibalne učinkovitosti) je polovica avtorjev preučevala posamezne teste skupaj s splošno gibalno učinkovitostjo, kar je najbolj primeren kazalnik za določanje telesnega fitnesa posameznika. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da večina raziskav kaže negativne trende sprememb telesnega fitnesa splošne populacije in pozitivne trende sprememb telesnega fitnesa pri izbranih vzorcih. Ker je v desetletnem obdobju na Fakulteti za šport zelo majhen delež nalog, ki vključujejo podatke ŠVK sistema, bi bilo dobro, da bi skrbniki ŠVK sistema razpisali teme nalog s tega področja.

Keywords:športnovzgojni karton, ŠVK, SLOfit, diplomske naloge, magistrske naloge, doktorske naloge, analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99585 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5261489 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.02.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of diploma's, master's and doctoral theses which included data of Sports Educational Chart in period 2007 - 2017
Sports Educational Chart or SLOfit database is one of the largest databases of physical and motor development of children. The main purpose of the master's thesis was to review and analyze all the diplomas, master's and doctoral theses that were written in the last decade at the Faculty of Sport in the University of Ljubljana and were based on the SLOfit data. We got the list (number of graduates, their names and surnames and study programs) in the student Office of the Faculty of Sport and acquired almost all theses with the virtual library COBISS. The search was conducted twice, first by the list and second by keywords. We calculated the frequency distributions and presented the results with tables, using programs Microsoft Excel and SPSS. From 1st of January 2007 to 30th of June 2017 there were 2014 theses written at the Faculty of Sport. In this master's thesis we analyzed 2006 theses; 28 of them included the SLOfit data. Most of the authors who used SLOfit data completed their study programs of Sport Education. Most of the theses are research diploma theses and almost every thesis is attainable in the virtual library COBISS. The authors mostly studied the elementary school population. Some theses included only one age group; more often they focused on primary school period (from the 1st to the 9th grade) and the last educational period of primary school especially (from the 7th to the 9th grade). We found that most of the authors studied both sexes (boys and girls) and also analyzed the gender differences. In six theses where the authors focused on particular gender, selected samples were observed. We found that the sample of test subjects in the theses were mostly from general population. Concerning the most frequent study of physical fitness factors (anthropological indicators, individual indicators of motor efficiency or the general physical fitness index), we found that half of the authors studied individual indicators of motor efficiency together with the general motor efficiency, which is the most appropriate indicator for determining physical fitness of a person. We also found that most studies showed negative trends in the changes of physical fitness of the general population and positive trends in the changes of physical fitness in selected samples. In this master's thesis we found a very small share of theses that included SLOfit data in the last ten-year period. We suggest that administrators of the SLOfit data system propose further themes to be studied in the students’ theses from this topic.

Keywords:sports education chart, SLOfit, bachelor thesis, master thesis, doctoral thesis, review, analysis

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