
Obravnava slikanice Muca Copatarica v predšolskem obdobju
ID Narat, Janja (Avtor), ID Blažić, Milena Mileva (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4970/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila slovensko mladinsko pisateljico Elo Peroci (1922–2001) in ilustratorko Ančko Gošnik Godec (1927– ) ter slikanico Muca Copatarica (1957). Analizirala sem literarno teorijo Marjane Kobe na pravljico in njeno analizo kratke sodobne pravljice Muce Copatarice v slikaniški knjižni obliki. Predstavila sem definicijo pravljice in nastanek pravljice na Slovenskem ter pomen in vpliv branja pravljic na predšolskega otroka. V empiričnem delu sem najprej predstavila individualni test, ki sem ga opravila z vsakim otrokom posebej, pred izvajanjem projekta Muca Copatarica. S projektom sem pričela 1. 9. 2017 in takrat smo strokovne delavke za vse otroke v vrtcu pripravile lutkovno predstavo Muca Copatarica z marionetami. Skozi projekt so otroci spoznali življenje in delo mladinske avtorice Ele Peroci in ilustratorke Ančke Gošnik Godec. Podrobno so spoznali tudi slikanico in jo poslušali v tujem jeziku (angleščina). Z otroki smo šli skupaj v knjižnico in se seznanili z deli Ele Peroci in si jih tudi nekaj izposodili. Pripravili smo knjižni kotiček avtorice in otroci so ilustrirali njen portret, in sicer s tehniko: risanje z ogljem. Ilustrirali so tudi portret Ančke Gošnik Godec prav tako z risarsko tehniko: risanje z ogljem. Ogledali smo si domačo žival – muca in iskali podobnosti in razlike med domačo muco in literarnim likom Muce Copatarice ter v gozdu zgradili mucin dom. Otroci so se seznanili tudi s poklicem šivilje in se tudi sami preizkusili za šivalnim strojem. Pripravili smo tudi razstavo otroških izdelkov v različnih likovnih tehnik na temo Muco Copatarico v Vrtcu Antona Medveda Kamnik. Za zaključek projekta smo skupaj z otroki pripravili dramsko igro in jo uprizorili na igrišču vrtca. Po koncu predstave pa smo imeli delavnice, kjer so otroci skupaj s starši zašili nekaj na temo Muce Copatarice, zraven pa smo se še posladkali s piškoti in čajem. Projekt je trajal od 1. 9. 2017 do 6. 10. 2017. Po koncu projekta sem ponovila individualni test in tako dobila vpogled v otrokovo pridobljeno znanje. Slikanica Muca Copatarica (1957) letos praznuje 60-letnico od prvega izida. Prvi izid je bil izdan leta 1957. Do leta 2017 je slikanica dobila že kar 15 ponatisov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Ela Peroci
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99550 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:11908937 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:01.02.2018
Število ogledov:1426
Število prenosov:334
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Interpretation of the picturebook The cat took my slippers in preschool
In the theoretical part, I presented Slovenian youth writer Ela Peroci (1922-2001), illustrator Ančka Gošnik Godec (1927-), and the picture book Muca Copatarica (1957). I analyzed the literary theory of Marjana Kobe to the fairy tale and her analysis of short modern fairy tale Muca Copatarica in the form of the picture book. I presented the definition of the fairy tale, the emergence of the fairy tale in Slovenia, and the significance and the influence of reading fairy tales on a preschool child. In the empirical part, I first presented an individual test, which was performed before exercising the project Muca Copatarica with every child individually. I began with the project on the 1st of September 2017. Then, the professional workers prepared a puppet show Muca Copatarica with marionettes for all the children in the kindergarten. The children became acquainted with life and work of the youth writer Ela Peroci and the illustrator Ančka Gošnik Godec through the project. They became acquainted with the picture book in detail and listened to it in a foreign language (English). We went to the library together with the children, became acquainted with the works of Ela Peroci, and borrowed some of them. We prepared a book nook of the author and the children illustrated her portrait by means of the technique: the charcoal art of drawing. They also illustrated the portrait of Ančka Gošnik Godec, also with the technique: the charcoal art of drawing. We closely examined a domestic animal – the cat and searched for the similarities and differences between the domestic cat and the literary figure Muca Copatarica. We built the home of the cat in the woods. Children also became acquainted with the profession of the dressmaker and they tried to operate the sewing machine. We also prepared an exhibition of children’s products in various art techniques within the topic Muca Copatarica in the kindergarten Anton Medved Kamnik. For the conclusion of the project, we prepared a drama play together with the children and performed it in the playground of the kindergarten. After the end of the show, we performed workshops, where children sew something within the topic of Muca Copatarica. In addition, we had some cookies and some tea. The project lasted from the 1st of September 2017 to the 6th of October 2017. After the project had been finished I repeated the individual test and thus got the insight into the child’s gained knowledge. Picture book Muca Copatarica (1957) celebrates the sixtieth anniversary of the first edition this year. The first edition was edited in 1957. Until 2017 the picture book has been reprinted 15 times.

Ključne besede:Ela Peroci

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