The goal of the thesis was to create a program, that automatically solves Slovene crosswords with the help of puzzle dictionary and web search. For the purpose of creating the program, we used a database of 367 crosswords and puzzle dictionary with 104.123 clue answers. We also created a list of web answers for all the crosswords in the database. Because of the enormous amount of the web answers searching the whole solution space would not be feasible. That is why the program solves each crossword in two separate phases. In the first phase, a crossword gets partially solved with the help of the puzzle dictionary, which creates a list of most probable solution candidates for each clue. In the second phase, a crossword is solved with puzzle dictionary and web answers combined. For the purpose of building the program, we used a set of 37 training crosswords. The final results were obtained from a set of 330 testing crosswords.