
Dvig energijske učinkovitosti stavbe z dvojno stekleno fasado
ID Horvat, Matej (Author), ID Stritih, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Butala, Vincenc (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo stavbo SOP Krško, ki ima nameščeno dvojno stekleno fasado. Stavba ni bila sprojektirana oz. izvedena tako kot so želeli, zato v poletnih mesecih pride do pregrevanja. Na podlagi analize stavbe smo ugotovili nefunkcionalnosti dvojne steklene fasade in na podlagi ugotovitev uvedli možne ukrepe, s katerimi bi preprečili pregrevanje v poletnih mesecih. V programu Gradbena fizika Ursa 2014 smo izdelali obstoječ model stavbe SOP Krško in nov model stavbe, ki ustreza Pravilniku o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah - PURES 2010. V tej primerjavi smo se osredotočili na parametre, ki niso ustrezali pravilniku in s primerjavo želeli prikazati dvig energijske učinkovitosti stavbe z izvedenimi ukrepi ter izdelali energetsko izkaznico za stavbo z izvedenimi ukrepi.

Keywords:Dvojna steklena fasada Učinkovita raba energije Energijska izkaznica Toplotne izgube Poslovna stavba
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99510 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.01.2018
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Title:Increasing energy efficieny of the building with double glass facade
In this document we are dealing with the building SOP Krško a buidling with an installed double skin facade. The building was not designed properly, so during the summer the building is overheateing. On the basis of an analysis of the building, we found out non-functionality of double glass facade and on the basis of the finding, we introduced possible measures we could implement to prevent overheating during the summer. In program Building Physics Ursa 2014 we have made the existing model of building SOP Krško, and a new model of building that meets the requirements of efficient energy use by PURES 2010. In this comparison we focus on parameters which do not meet the terms of reference and by comparing we wanted to show the increase the energy performance of the building by implemented measures. At the end we made an energy performance certificate and the energy efficiency of building SOP Krško with the building classified to proper energy class.

Keywords:Double glass facade Efficiency of energy use Energy performance certificate Heat losses Business building

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