
Protimikrobno delovanje kisov in ocetne kisline : poročilo o raziskavi
ID Lovrač, Nika (Author), ID Godič Torkar, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jevšnik Podlesnik, Mojca (Comentor)

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MD5: 644B9A3008911C330CF19EAE05116E8F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4cf7ab03-6443-4e8b-b211-084a7135b4a3

Uvod: V različnih panogah je treba v okviru dobre higienske prakse delovne površine in pripomočke ustrezno čistiti in še dodatno razkuževati. S čiščenjem odstranimo s površin vidne nečistoče organskega in anorganskega izvora. Z razkuževanjem pa odstranimo večino ali vse prisotne mikroorganizme s površin, z izjemo spor. Nekatera razkužila vsebujejo spojine, ki lahko škodljivo vplivajo na zdravje ljudi in na okolje. Vse pogosteje zato posegamo po alternativnih proizvodih, kamor uvrščamo tudi kis. Kis nastane s fermentacijo alkohola in alkoholnih pijač. V kisu prevladuje monokarboksilna ocetna kislina, prisotne pa so tudi druge snovi, kar je odvisno od vrste fermentacije. Da je protimikrobno sredstvo učinkovito, mora po definiciji znižati število mikroorganizmov na vsaj 5 log10 v 5 do 10 minutah oziroma vsaj 3 log10 v 30 sekundah. Namen dela: Preveriti zaviralni učinek komercialno dostopnih kisov in ocetne kisline na različnih po Gramu pozitivnih in negativnih bakterijah ter glivah. Metode: Pri preučevanju delovanja kisov in ocetne kisline na standardnih bakterijskih in glivnih sevih smo uporabili difuzijsko metodo z diski, razredčevalno metodo, vpliv kisov na časovno krivuljo odmiranja mikroorganizmov v suspenziji (suspenzijski test), površinski test z delovanjem kisov na mikroorganizme na površinah in postopek spiranja kisov po delovanju na mikroorganizme z membransko filtracijo. Rezultati: Kisi in ocetna kislina so bili najučinkovitejši proti sevu Microccocus luteus. Najbolj odporni pa so bili sevi Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus in Bacillus cereus. Povprečno pri vseh metodah je bil najučinkovitejši 9 % alkoholni kis, medtem ko je bila 1 % ocetna kislina najmanj učinkovita. Razprava in zaključek: Uporabljeni testni mikroorganizmi so bili različno občutljivi za delovanje kisov in ocetne kisline. Pri skoraj vseh metodah in proti uporabljenim testnim mikroorganizmom so kisi in ocetna kislina delovali bakteriostatično, redko baktericidno. V večini primerov je bil boljši protimikrobni učinek pogojen z višjo deklarirano stopnjo kislosti kisa.

Keywords:kis, ocetna kislina, protimikrobno delovanje, baktericidno delovanje, bakteriostatično delovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99364 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5390955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.01.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Antimicrobial activity of vinegars and acetic acid : research report
Introduction: In different branches, good hygiene practices require proper cleaning and additional disinfection of work surfaces and devices. Cleaning removes visible organic and inorganic impurities from surfaces, while disinfection removes most or all microorganisms present on the surfaces, except spores. Certain disinfectants contain compounds that can be harmful to human health and the environment. Therefore, alternative products such as vinegar are increasingly being used. Vinegar is produced by the fermentation of alcohol and alcoholic beverages. The main ingredient of vinegar is monocarboxyl acetic acid, but other substances are also present, depending on the type of fermentation. According to definition, an antimicrobial agent is considered effective if it reduces the microbial count by at least 5 log10 in 5 to 10 minutes or by at least 3 log10 in 30 seconds. Purpose of the work: To investigate the inhibitory effect exerted by commercially available vinegars and acetic acid on different Gram positive and negative bacteria, and fungi. Methods: In order to study the effect of vinegars and acetic acid on standard bacterial and fungal strains, the following methods were used: disk diffusion assay, dilution method, effect of vinegars on die-off time curve for microorganisms in suspension (suspension assay), surface assay with vinegar action on microorganisms on surfaces, and rinsing of vinegars (membrane filtration) after their action on microorganisms. Results: Vinegars and acetic acid were the most effective against Microccocus luteus. The most resistant were Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus. On average across all methods, 9% alcohol vinegar was the most effective, and 1% acetic acid was the least effective. Discussion and conclusion: The test microorganisms used demonstrated varying susceptibility to vinegars and acetic acid. In almost all methods and against the test microorganisms used, vinegars and acetic acid showed bacteriostatic, and only rarely bactericidal action. In most cases, antimicrobial effect depended on the vinegar’s nominal acidity level.

Keywords:vinegar, acetic acid, antimicrobial activity, bactericidal activity, bacteriostatic activity

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