
Športne poškodbe študentov prvega letnika Fakultete za šport : diplomsko delo
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MD5: 5ED8A49677FE238187E4C4F192AD5820
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1afac0eb-d877-4a07-a523-fd6e28380ffd

Dandanes sta v svetu interes in potreba po športnih dejavnostih vedno večja in lahko rečemo, da ni bila ta želja po gibanju še nikoli prej tako velika. Posledično je tudi človeško znanje o športnih poškodbah v porastu. Športne poškodbe predstavljajo enega največjih problemov športnikov. Le-te se pojavljajo tako pri vrhunskem športu kot tudi rekreativnem športu, nenazadnje pa so vse pogosteje prisotne v šolskem in študijskem procesu. Namen diplomske naloge je raziskati enega večjih problemov, s katerimi se srečujejo študenti na Fakulteti za šport, športne poškodbe. Naloga je natančneje osredotočena na športne poškodbe študentov prvega letnika fakultete za šport v študijskem letu 2016/2017. V uvodnem delu so podrobneje predstavljene športne poškodbe, njihov nastanek in dejavniki tveganja ter anatomski vzorci in lokacije poškodb. V nadaljevanju pa so statistično prikazani rezultati raziskave, katero smo opravili na fakulteti z namenom raziskati najpogostejše poškodbe študentov 1.letnika vseh treh smeri, kineziologije, športne vzgoje in športnega treniranja. Zanimalo nas je predvsem, kakšni so vzroki za nastanek poškodbe, čas nastanka poškodbe, pogostost pojavljanja poškodb in njihova resnost. Poleg tega pa nas je zanimalo tudi, ali so prisotne razlike med moško in žensko populacijo, ko govorimo o poškodbah. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 126 študentov FŠ (64 moških in 62 žensk). V času našega spremljanja se je poškodovalo 47 (37%) študentov, od tega 22 moških in 25 žensk. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da razlik med spoloma v pojavnosti poškodb ni, so pa prisotne razlike v pojavnosti poškodb med študijskimi predmeti. Največje število poškodb se je tako zgodilo pri predmetu Atletika 1, sledi ji Športna gimnastika z ritmično izraznostjo 1, Osnove gibanja v športu in na zadnjem mestu, z najmanjšim številom športnih poškodb je Plavanje 1 z osnovami reševanja iz vode. Razlike so prisotne tudi v pojavnosti poškodb med posameznimi deli učne enote, saj je večina poškodb nastala na sredini učne ure. Glede na tip poškodbe smo zabeležili največ poškodb mišic (37%), sledijo poškodbe sklepov (21%) ter poškodbe kit (16%).

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:medicina športa, šport, poškodbe, fakulteta za šport, študenti
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99359 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5298097 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:19.01.2018
Število ogledov:2149
Število prenosov:651
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Nowadays, the interest and need for sports activities are becoming ever larger. It can be said that this wish to exercise has never before been as prominant as it is today. As a consiquence, our knowledge concerning sports injuries is also increasing. Sports injuries present one of the biggest problems athletes are faced with. The problems occur in top-level sports as well as in recreative sports. They are also ever more frequently present in the school and study process. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate one of the larger problems students at the Faculty of Sport are confronted with: sports injuries. To be more precise, the focus of this thesis are sports injuries of first year students at the Faculty of Sport in the schoolyear 2016/2017. In the introduction, we present sports injuries, how they come to be and the risk factors as well as anatomic paterns and locations of the injuries in further detail. After that, we show the statistics of the research results, which we conducted at the Faculty with the intention of discovering the injuries that happen most frequently to the first year students studying one of the three courses: kinesiology, physical education and sports training. Above all, we wished to find out what are the reasons for the occurance of injuries, the time of the occurance of injuries, the frequence of repeat injuries and their seriousness. We were also interested whether there are any differences between the male and female population when it comes to injuries. Our findings show that there are no differences between the sexes concerning the occurance of injuries, neither are there differences between student courses. There are, however, such differences between individual parts of the study unit, as the majority of the injuries occured in the middle of the study period. 126 FS students participated in our research (64 men and 62 women). While we were observing them, 47 students were injured (37%), 22 men and 25 women. Our findings show that there are no differences between sexes when it comes to occurance of injuries. Differences can, however, be found in the occurance of injuries between study subjects. The largest number of injuries occured at the subject of Athletics 1, followed by Sports Gymnastics with rhythmic Expression 1, The Basics of Movement in Sports. The subject with the least sports injuries was Swimming 1 with the basics of lifeguarding. When regarding types of injuries, we noted the highest number of muscle injuries (37%), followed by joint injuries (21%) and sinew injuries (16%).

Ključne besede:sports medicine, sports, injuries, Faculty of Sport, students

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