
Lastnosti športnih tekmovanj in povezanost s tržno zanimivostjo
ID Tribušon, Matic (Author), ID Šubelj, Lovro (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Štrumbelj, Erik (Comentor)

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MD5: 7D5AA507B34520A98BB218516EE39A9E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/fa4d3106-63ec-4d4f-b581-ea14f42e64dc

Šport je povsod po svetu izjemno priljubljena vrsta zabave. Posledično je zelo pomemben tudi s poslovnega vidika. V delu raziskujemo vpliv izenačenosti športnega tekmovanja na njegovo tržno zanimivost. Cilj je ugotoviti izenačenost različnih športnih tekmovanj in raziskati korelacijo med izenačenostjo ter različnimi metrikami njihove tržne zanimivosti. V delu predlagamo metodo za ocenjevanje izenačenosti poljubnega ekipnega športnega tekmovanja. Metoda temelji na omrežni analizi in prilagojenem algoritmu PageRank. Kot vhod potrebuje le rezultate odigranih tekem v opazovanem obdobju, njen izhod pa je indeks izenačenosti športnega tekmovanja v tem obdobju. Predlagano metodo primerjamo z Masseyjevo metodo in predstavimo rezultate. Prav tako predstavimo različne metrike tržne zanimivosti športnih tekmovanj in izračunamo korelacijo med mero izenačenosti ter metrikami tržne zanimivosti izbranih športnih tekmovanj. Rezultati analize izenačenosti potrjujejo hipotezo, da so tekmovanja v Severni Ameriki bolj izenačena. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da je bilo izbrano časovno obdobje prekratko za uspešen izračun korelacije na ravni sezone, saj so intervali zaupanja preveliki. Če izračune ponovimo na ravni posamezne tekme, je podatkov dovolj, korelacija pa potrjuje začetno hipotezo, da so bolj izenačena tekmovanja tržno zanimivejša.

Keywords:omrežna analiza, PageRank, športna tekmovanja, izenačenost, tržna zanimivost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99353 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.01.2018
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Title:Properties of sports competitions and relation to market value
Sports are a very popular type of entertainment around the world. Consequently, they have become very important from a business perspective. In this thesis, we research the influence of sports competition competitive balance on its market value. The aim is to determine the competitive balance of various sports competitions and explore the correlation between competitive balance and market value of sports competitions. We propose a method for assessing competitive balance of an arbitrary team sport competition. The method is based on network analysis and a version of the PageRank algorithm. As an input, it only requires results of played matches in the observed sports competition and the output is an index of competitive balance. We compare the proposed method with Massey's method and evaluate the results. We also propose different metrics that are related to market value of sports competitions and research the correlation between the competitive balance, obtained with the proposed method, and the mentioned metrics. The results of competitive balance analysis confirm the hypothesis that North American sports competitions are more balanced. From the results of correlation analysis it is clear that the chosen time period was too short for per-season correlation analysis. Thus, the confidence intervals of correlation results are too wide. Correlation analysis on per-game basis confirms the hypothesis that competitive balance of sports competitions has a positive effect on their market value.

Keywords:network analysis, PageRank, sports competitions, competitive balance, market value

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