This master's thesis paper contains a comprehensive analysis of buyer's protection regime in contracts with digital content. It is focused on the proposal for a Directive on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content, published in December 2015. The proposed directive regulates conformity criteria, buyer's remedies, consequences of termination as well some aspects of termination of long-term contracts and modification of digital content. The proposal is based on the Consumer Sales Directive, especially with regard to the concept of conformity and buyer's remedies. As a consequence, the directives are often subject to comparison. Beside the proposal, other European and Slovenian legal acts affecting contracts for supply of digital content will also be analysed. Special attention will be given to personal data protection and relationship with intellectual property law. Because the Directive does not cover all legal aspects, other contract law institutes from the Obligations Code and Consumer Protection Act will be used for interpretation. At the same time, I will try to anticipate how contracts for supply of digital content could by regulated in the Slovenian legal system and which approaches could be suitable for that purpose.