Introduction: Gestational diabetes is a condition that occurs during pregnancy. The disease is drastically increasing. In 2011, 4.3% of pregnant women with gestational diabetes were diagnosed in Slovenia. Healthy nutrition and physical activity are crucial in controlling the course of the disease and preventing complications that may occur. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to present gestational diabetes and the role of a graduate midwife when treating a pregnant woman with gestational diabetes and investigate the effect of a low glycemic index and probiotic supplements and physical activity on the appearance and regulation of gestational diabetes. Methods: A descriptive working method was used with the analysis of scientific studies and professional articles. The meta-synthesis of studies was done by evaluating the four-tier scale of the authors of Eccles and Mason, where the highest value of the evidence is the 1st stage. We searched the literature using web browsers PubMed, CINAHL, COBBIS, DiKUL. Results: A meta-synthesis of scientific studies has shown that a diet containing a lower glycemic index has a beneficial effect on the regulation and course of gestational diabetes. The use of probiotic supplements can also help to regulate the disease. Physical activity is essential in preventing gestational diabetes. Discussion and conclusion: Further studies are needed to ensure that foods with low glycemic index or probiotic supplements and physical activity are effective in controlling or preventing the development of gestational diabetes in all pregnant women. The graduate midwife certainly has an important health and educational role with pregnant women which have the disease, since they have to direct them to healthy eating and as much physical activity as possible.