The length of the measurement distance is extremely important in the measurements of the angular distribution of the luminous intensity of light soirces and luminaries, but due to the minimum length required for accurate measurement, the process is too expensive. Nowadays gonio-photometers with flat mirrors are in use. By using a flat mirror, the height of the space has changed to length. However, -gonio-photometers with flat-mirror still require a long measuring distance. For this reason, gonio-photometers using concave mirrors have appeared. The main difference between gonio-photometer with a flat mirror and one with a curved mirror is that the second can significantly reduce the length of the measurement distance without reducing the accuracy of the measurement.
In this diploma thesis we first present photometry and photometric quantities. Later we describe gonio-photometers and what kind of gonio-photometers we know. Then we present all types of mirrors and describe the flat and concave mirror, since they most reflected the importance of this thesis. When it becomes clear why we have selected the concave mirror, rather than a flat mirror, we begin with a description of measurement methods with presenting advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we calculate the profile of the mirror, described how we could make it, and compare it to other photometric methods.