Introduction: Most births given by healthy women could be physiological, but in some cases different external and internal circumstances lead to a different birth process and its perception; all that can deeply affect the integrity of an individual on a physical and also mental level. A big role in this situation have the medical team and midwives. Purpose: The purpose was to analize the existent scientific and technical literature about the physiological and traumatic birth, to highlight the causes and consequences of the latter for the subsequent live of the woman aswell as man. The aim is to present the physiological course of labour, its experience from the woman and man, the causes and risk factors for the beginning of the traumatic birth and its consequences by both parents. A big focus is also the role of the medical professionals, but mostly midwives, in the prevention of traumatic birth and the early detection of postpartum mental disturbances. Methods: In this study the descriptive method was used. That includes a systematic literature review, aswell as the analysis of the found sources. Different books and internet sources were used, scientific and technical articles and reseraches. Results: Traumatic birth is a birth, that arouses a feeling of life treath, mental and physical defeat, personal integrity in the individual or integrity of the closest person. It depends on different factors as different medical interventions, the way of birth (cesarean section or vaginal birth), unprofessional treatments from the medical team and also the individual’s subjectivity. Experiencing a traumatic birth can lead to posttraumatic stress disorder and postpartum depression. The midwife and other memebers of the medical team have a very big role in preventing the development of a traumatic birth. Every couple should be offered the required help and information about the whole process. Discussion and conclusion: The traumatic birth can lead to severe consequences. So it's important that we try to avoid it, early recognition of the postpartum mental health symptoms and in advance inform the couple about all the possible results. The mutual cooperation of the couple and midwife in advance, understand their dynamics and needs and also understand and respect their individuality can reduce the manifestation of traumatic birth. Most important is a respectful relation and to provide for the mother's and father’s dignity and an individualized birth treatment.