
Numerično modeliranje linearnih električnih motorjev z metodo končnih elementov
ID PETERNELJ, JAKA (Author), ID Čorović, Selma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1f5f3e2d-0beb-4824-b1de-18728806deab

V magistrskem delu je predstavljen proces zasnove in modeliranje linearnih motorjev s trajnimi magneti. V prvem delu naloge sem opravil pregled različnih vrst linearnih motorjev, ki so na razpolago v literaturi in na trgu ter opisal njihove glavne značilnosti, prednosti in slabosti. Glavni namen magistrske naloge je bil razvoj numeričnih modelov in analiza delovanja linearnih motorjev s trajnimi magneti z metodo končnih elementov. Podrobno sem analiziral cilindrični linearni motor s trajnimi magneti z dvojni Halbachovo kletko in linearni motor s trajnimi magneti U oblike. V nadaljevanju sem opravil parametrizacijo in optimizacijo geometrije obeh modelov s statistično metodo načrtovanja poskusov po Taguchiju s ciljem izboljšanja njihovih lastnosti. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov numeričnega modeliranja, parametrizacije in optimizacije sem predlagal primerno geometrijo za izboljšavo izhodne sile obeh motorjev. V zaključnem delu magistrske naloge sem podal primerjavo obeh izvedb motorjev s stališča porabe posameznih materialov potrebnih za izdelavo analiziranih motorjev.

Keywords:linearni motor, trajni magneti, Halbachova kletka, načrtovanje, metoda končnih elementov, programsko orodje Ansys Maxwell, DOE optimizacija, Taguchi optimizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.12.2017
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Title:Numerical modeling of linear electric motors using finite element method
This master thesis describes the process of design and modeling of linear electric motors with permanent magnets. In the first part of the thesis a brief literature and market overview of the existing versions of linear electric motors with permanent magnets, their basic characteristics, advantages and drawbacks are given. The main objective of the thesis is development of numerical models and analysis of linear electric motors with permanent magnets based on finite element method. The modeling and analysis of the following two models were performed: 1. cylindrical permanent magnet linear motor with dual Halbach array and 2. U shaped linear motor with permanent magnets. In order to improve the performance of the two linear motors the parametrization and optimization procedure based on Taguchi design of experiments method were done. Based on the output results obtained with numerical modeling, parametrization and optimization the geometry and the output force of both motors were improved. In the final part of the master thesis, a comparison of both linear motor versions from the point of view of the material consumption needed for their design was performed.

Keywords:linear motor, permanent magnet, Halbach array, modeling, finite elements method, Ansys Maxwell, design of experiments optimization DOE, Taguchi optimization

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