
Korupcija z vidika kazenske zakonodaje
ID Miškec, Alenka (Author), ID Jakulin, Vid (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 010F86E7C6F00CA26931DACE4AC594BF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3b041213-dd6a-4118-86b9-2cee0bc33d55

Definiciji korupcije, ki pravi, gre za »zlorabo položaja ali kršitev dolžnega ravnanja za pridobitev koristi zase ali za drugega«, v Kazenskem zakoniku Slovenije ustreza deset kaznivih dejanj. Slovenija ima po mnenju nekaterih dobro urejeno protikorupcijsko zakonodajo, saj se številne tranzicijske države v svojih nacionalnih ureditvah zgledujejo po našem modelu. Spet drugi pa menijo, da gre za povprečno ureditev in poudarjajo nekatere slabosti. Med njimi bi lahko izpostavili preohlapno definirane znake kaznivih dejanj, nedoslednosti glede razlikovanja med pasivnim in aktivnim podkupovanjem in predvidenih kazni ter zahteva po relativno visoki kvalificirani krivdi storilca: direktni obarvani naklep. Analiza dela organov pregona in delno sodišč pokaže, da je njihovo delovanje na področju boja proti korupciji v zadnjih petih letih uspešnejše kot pred desetletjem, vendar po drugi strani javnomnenjske analize temu ne pritrjujejo. Indeks percepcije korupcije v javnosti namreč kaže, da Slovenija v boju proti korupciji ne napreduje. Raziskave kažejo, da ljudje ne opažajo nobenih sprememb na bolje in menijo, da je korupcija najbolj navzoča v državnem zboru in med vladnimi uradniki ter dvomijo o uspehu državljanov v boju proti korupciji. Boj proti korupciji je boj na dolgi rok, najpomembnejše orožje proti korupciji je ozaveščanje. Ukrepi na kratki rok pa po predlogu Vlade RS predvidevajo: ozaveščanje, nadzorne mehanizme nad javnimi financami, transparentno, gospodarno in učinkovito porabo javnih sredstev ter pripravo predpisov in vodenje postopkov.

Keywords:kazensko pravo, kaznivo dejanje, korupcija, podkupovanje, policija, tožilstvo, sodna praksa, Komisija za preprečevanje korupcije, Kazenski zakonik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99013 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15987537 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.12.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Corruption from the viewpoint of penal legislation
The Penal Code of Slovenia defines corruption as the “abuse of position or violation of due conduct to procure a benefit for oneself or a third person” and ten offences meet the definition. In the opinion of some authors, Slovenia’s anti-corruption legislation is well arranged, since many countries in transition model their national systems on the Slovene system. Others, however, judge that the system is of average quality and emphasize several flaws. Among these, we may mention that the signs of offences are defined too loosely, that there are inconsistencies in differentiating between passive and active bribery and in the provided sanctions, as well as the requirement that the liability of the perpetrator is highly qualified: directly motivated intent. An analysis of the activities of the prosecution bodies, and partly of the courts, shows that their operation in the field of the struggle against corruption has been more successful in the past five years than a decade ago; however, public opinion surveys do not agree with this trend. The corruption perception index indeed indicates that Slovenia is perceived as not making progress in the struggle against corruption. Surveys show that people have not noticed any changes to the better and think that corruption is rife in the National Assembly and among government officials, and they also doubt whether citizens can be successful in the struggle against corruption. The struggle against corruption is a long-term process, and the most important weapon against corruption lies in enhancing awareness. In the short term, the proposal of the government of the Republic of Slovenia includes the following measures: awareness campaigns, supervisory mechanisms over public finances, transparent, economical, and efficient use of public funds, elaboration of regulations, and procedure management.

Keywords:criminal law, criminal offence, corruption, bribery, police, prosecution office, case-law, Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, Penal Code

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