
Tradicionalne ročne tekstilne tehnike v visoki modi
ID Potisek, Brigita (Author), ID Peršuh, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3AF172B744299005A265E4D124CA7637
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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/dcc1d373-02f7-474f-9570-445e0bd1b32c

Magistrsko delo raziskuje področje tradicionalnih ročnih tekstilnih tehnik v visoki modi in analizira njihove značilnosti kot navdih za oblikovanje kolekcije. Namena raziskave sta eksperimentiranje z možnostmi in aplikacija ročnih tekstilnih tehnik v oblačilne principe oz. unikatno kolekcijo, ki se navdihuje s principi visoke mode. Teoretični del se osredotoča na pomen ročnih tekstilnih tehnik v sodobni modi in se ukvarja s problemom oživitve starih ročnih tekstilnih tehnik, ki so namenjene novi uporabi. Predstavljene so zanimive novodobne aplikacije tekstilnih ročnih tehnik v oblačilne principe. Razložena sta pomen in prihodnost tradicionalnih ročnih tekstilnih tehnik. Osnovni element kolekcije je gobelin, pri katerem z uporabo novih, netipičnih materialov in barv ter s kombinacijo ročnih tekstilnih tehnik oblikujemo nove oblike in silhuete. Princip oblikovanja povzema načine iz visoke mode, kjer je vsak kos unikat in večkrat nastaja sproti. Kolekcija temelji na inovativnem oblikovanju, kjer so vzorci gobelina nadgrajeni s 3D izgledom. S kombinacijo tekstur in struktur je ustvarjen videz prosojnosti vezenja. Vbodi so posodobljeni in se sestavljajo v celoto z zanimivimi barvnimi kvadratki. V oblikovani kolekciji so prepletene zgodbe podob in iluzij. Izhodišča so gobelin, računalništvo, arhitektura, pletenine in visoka moda. Rezultat magistrskega dela je sodobna unikatna kolekcija, ki zasleduje principe visoke mode, je prepoznavna in edinstvena ter utemeljena na uporabi in inovativni implementaciji ročnih tehnik. V tehniki prevladuje gobelin, uporabljeni pa so tudi drugi ročni tekstilni principi, kot so makrame, kvačkanje, pletenje in vezenje.

Keywords:visoka moda, tradicionalne ročne tekstilne tehnike, gobelin, inovativnost.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98974 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.12.2017
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Title:Tradicional hand textile techniques in haute couture
The master's thesis explores the field of traditional hand-made textile techniques in high fashion and analyzes their characteristics as inspiration for the design of the collection. The purpose of the research is experimenting with the possibilities and applications of manual textile techniques in clothing principles or a unique collection inspired by the high fashion principles. The theoretical part focuses on the importance of manual textile techniques in contemporary fashion and deals with the problem of reviving old hand-made textile techniques intended for a new use. New interesting applications of textile hand techniques in clothing are presented. The meaning and the future of traditional hand-made textile techniques are explained. The basic element of the collection is gobelin, in which we use new, untypical materials and colors and a combination of hand-made textile techniques to form new shapes and silhouettes. The design principle summarizes the modes of high fashion, where each piece is unique and is repeatedly produced on a regular basis. The collection is based on innovative design, where gobelin patterns are upgraded with a 3D look. A combination of textures and structures creates the appearance of embroidery transparency. The stitches are updated and are made up of interesting color squares. In the created collection, stories of images and illusions are intertwined. The starting points are gobelins, computer science, architecture, knitwear and high fashion. The result of the master's thesis is a contemporary unique collection that follows the principles of high fashion, is recognizable and unique and is based on the application and innovative implementation of manual techniques. The technique is dominated by gobelins and other hand-made textile principles, such as macrame, crochet, knitting and embroidery.

Keywords:haute couture, traditional hand textile techniques, gobelins, innovation.

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