
Evalvacija učnega pristopa za obravnavo pisnega deljenja v 4. razredu osnovne šole
ID Družinec, Petra (Author), ID Hodnik, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu obravnavam učni pristop za poučevanje pisnega deljenja. Teoretični del vključuje naslednja področja: matematika v 4. razredu, pisno deljenje in obravnava pisnega deljenja (pregledala bom učne priročnike, gradiva) ter ključni dejavniki za kakovostno poučevanje pisnega deljenja: diferenciacija, motivacija, sprotno preverjanje znanja. Pri opredelitvi motivacije za učenje sem posebej izpostavila pomen didaktičnih iger. Raziskava je temeljila na deskriptivno-, kavzalno-eksperimentalni metodi, glede na raziskovalni pristop je bila raziskava kvantitativna in kvalitativna. Vzorec je bil neslučajnostni, namenski, v katerem so sodelovali učenci dveh četrtih razredov. En razred učencev je predstavljal eksperimentalno skupino, drugi razred pa kontrolno skupino. V eksperimentalni skupini sem izvedla učni pristop za pisno deljenje in uspešnost slednjega ugotavljala s preizkusom znanja po izvedbi pristopa ter s sprotnim preverjanjem znanja med izvedbo samo. V kontrolni in eksperimentalni skupini sem rezultate kvantitativno in kvalitativno analizirala. Bistvene karakteristike oblikovanega pristopa za pisno deljenje so temeljile na premišljenem vključevanju motivacije, didaktičnih iger, sprotnega preverjanja znanja in diferenciacije. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so bili pri reševanju nalog pri preizkusu znanja uspešnejši učenci eksperimentalne skupine. Najpogostejše napake, ki so jih počeli učenci v kontrolni skupini, so bile: nepravilno podpisovanje števk, težave z matematičnim jezikom, manjkajoča strategija itd. Učenci eksperimentalne skupine si želijo, da bi bilo več vključevanja didaktičnih iger, saj menijo, da si z njihovo pomočjo izboljšajo znanje, so bolj motivirani za nadaljnje delo, predstavlja jim bolj zanimiv in zabaven način utrjevanja itd.

Keywords:pisno deljenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98967 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11869257 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.01.2018
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Secondary language

Title:An evalvation of the teaching approach for written division in the 4th grade of primary school
In the Master`s thesis, I discuss teaching approach for written division. The theoretical part includes the following chapters: mathematics in the 4th grade, writing division and discussion of writing division (I will review mathematical textbooks) and key factors for quality teaching writing division: differentiation, motivation, examination. In defining the motivation for learning, I specifically highlighted the importance of didactic games. The research was based on a descriptive, causal-experimental method. According to the research approach, the research was quantitative and qualitative. The pattern was a non-random, dedicated one, involving children of two 4th grades. One class of children represented an experimental group and the second class a control group. In the experimental group, I performed a teaching approach for writing division. I determined the success of writing division with a knowledge test after the implementation of the teaching approach and examination during the teaching approach. In the control and experimental group, the results were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. The main characteristics of teaching methods for writing division are based on deliberate inclusion of motivation, didactic games, examination and differentiation. The results of the research showed that the children of the experimental group were more successful at solving tasks and the knowledge tests. The most common mistakes made by children in the control group were: incorrect signing of digits, problems with mathematical language, missing strategy, etc. Children in the experimental group want more involvement of didactic games, because they think it could further improve their knowledge besides being more motivated for future work. Didactic games give them a chance for more interesting and fun way for learning etc.

Keywords:written division

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