
Pravo in zdrava hrana
ID Andromako, Neža (Author), ID Pličanič, Senko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 035E7BACDBDAAF089B19C2121D2364CF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8ccca6a0-d619-491d-b870-64f4b9810c8d

V magistrskem diplomskem delu z naslovom Pravo in zdrava hrana je predstavljen pojem zdrave hrane in pomen njegovega normativnega urejanja. Že starejša medicinska spoznanja potrjujejo vpliv hrane na človekovo zdravje in pojav bolezni, zato je ključno, da s pomočjo prava omogočamo, da je na voljo hrana, ki po zaužitju ne predstavlja tveganja za posameznikovo zdravje. V prvem delu magistrskega diplomskega dela je na kratko predstavljen vpliv hrane na pojav bolezni. Ker je zdravje izjemnega pomena za ekonomsko in socialno stabilnost države, ga varujemo tudi s pomočjo živilske zakonodaje, ki skrbi za visoko raven kvalitete živil, s čimer se zmanjša oziroma izniči tveganja nevarnosti za človekovo zdravje. To dosegamo tudi preko zakonodajnega urejanja kemičnih onesnaževalcev hrane, kamor sodijo pesticidi in aditivi. V drugem delu je podrobneje predstavljeno zakonodajno urejanje pesticidov, njihovih ostankov v hrani ter aditivov, katerega namen je preprečiti, da bi njihova uporaba v procesu proizvodnje hrane škodovala posamezniku, ki jo bo zaužil. V nadaljevanju dela sta predstavljeni pravica do zdravja in pravica do hrane. Opisano je razumevanje obeh pravic tako v mednarodni, kot v slovenski ureditvi. Pravica do hrane se v mednarodni sferi zagotavlja široko – ne zgolj kot varstvo pred lakoto, temveč se želi preko nje zagotoviti pravica do ustrezne hrane. Pojem ustrezne hrane je natančno opredelil Odbor za ekonomske, socialne in kulturne pravice. V Splošnem komentarju št. 12 o pravici do ustrezne hrane je definiral pojem »ustreznosti« ter zagotavljanje pravice povezal s trajnostnim razvojem. S tem je pravico do hrane močno približal razumevanju pravice do zdrave hrane. Ker Ustava Republike Slovenije ne vsebuje pravice do hrane, je v zadnjem delu predstavljena možnost uresničitve pravice do zdrave oz. ustrezne hrane v slovenskem pravnem prostoru.

Keywords:Živilska zakonodaja, pesticidi, fitofarmacevtska sredstva, aditivi, zdrava hrana, ustrezna hrana, pravica do zdravja, pravica do hrane.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98910 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15941713 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.12.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The Law and Healthy Food
In the master thesis entitled The Law and Healthy Food, the notion of healthy food and the significance of its normative regulation are presented. Even older medical findings confirm the impact that food has on human health and the onset of illness, so it is crucial that, with the help of the law, we ensure the availability of food which does not pose a risk to an individual's health after it is consumed. In the first part of the master thesis, the effect of food on the onset of illness is briefly presented. Since health is of the utmost importance for the economic and social stability of the state, it is protected by food legislation, which ensures a high quality of food thus reducing or eliminating the risks of danger to human health. This is also achieved through the legislative regulation of chemical food contaminants, including pesticides and additives. In the second part of the thesis, the legislative regulation of pesticides, their residues in food and additives is presented in greater detail. The aim of this regulation is to prevent their use in the process of food production so as to stop them from harming the individual who will consume the food. Further, the right to health and the right to food are also presented. The understanding of both rights is described in both international and Slovenian regulation. In the international sphere, the right to food is provided for broadly – not just as a protection from famine, but rather as the right to adequate food. The concept of adequate food was specifically defined by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. In the General Comment No. 12 on the right to adequate food, the Committee defined the notion of "adequate" and also linked the provision of this right to the sustainable development. With this, the right to food has come much closer to the meaning of the right to healthy food. Finally, since the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia does not include the right to food, the last part of the thesis presents the possibility of establishing the right to healthy or adequate food in Slovenian legal area.

Keywords:Food legislation, pesticides, plant protection products, additives, healthy food, adequate food, the right to health, the right to food.

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