
Razumevanje trojne narave kemijske vezi na submikroskopski ravni : magistrsko delo
ID Klun, Tina (Author), ID Devetak, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4889/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo celostno obravnava trojno naravo pojma kemijska vez s poudarkom na submikroskopski ravni. S pojmom kemijska vez se učenci v Sloveniji srečajo v osmem razredu osnovne šole v tematskem sklopu povezovanje delcev/gradnikov. Zaradi abstraktnosti pojma kemijska vez je pomembno, da se pri učencih spodbuja učenje na makroskopski, submikroskopski in simbolni ravni, saj je tak način dela ključnega pomena za oblikovanje ustreznega mentalnega modela o kemijski vezi pri učencih. Pri gradnji mentalnega modela so učencem v pomoč učiteljeva razlaga, dodatna razlaga v učbeniku in utrjevanje oz. preverjanje osvojenega znanja z nalogami v delovnem zvezku oz. nalogami, ki jih da učitelj. Kljub celostnemu pristopu k učenju abstraktne kemijske vezi se pri učencih pojavijo različna napačna razumevanja o delcih in kemijski vezi. S tem namenom je v empiričnem delu narejena deskriptivna analiza v Sloveniji veljavnih učbenikov in delovnih zvezkov, ki preverja vključenost submikroskopske ravni v razlago in utrjevanje pojma kemijska vez. Posebej za to raziskavo je bil oblikovan trodelni preizkus znanja, ki je preverjal razumevanje pojmov, povezanih s kemijsko vezjo na submikroravni, in razvita morebitna napačna razumevanja pri devetošolcih (starih v povprečju 14 let). Ugotovitve analize učnega materiala kažejo, da je v učbenikih, še posebej pa v delovnih zvezkih, najbolj zastopana simbolna raven. Sledita ji submikroskopska, makroskopska raven in kombinacija submikroskopske in simbolne ravni. Ugotovitve iz pridobljenih podatkov preizkusa znanja pa kažejo, da učenci bolje razumejo kemijsko vez na simbolni ravni kot na submikroskopski ravni. Pri čemer so bolj samozavestni in tudi bolj uspešni pri reševanju nalog na temo kovalentne vezi kot na temo ionske vezi. Pomanjkanje znanja in posledično večja neuspešnost pri reševanju se je pokazala pri nalogah, ki vsebujejo učencem manj znane slike modelov submikroskopskih predstavitev in zato po Bloomu sodijo na višjo raven kognitivnih znanj. Pridobljeni podatki kažejo tudi, da imajo učenci težave pri pretvarjanju med prezentacijami, kar povzroča neustrezno oblikovane mentalne modele. Omenjene ugotovitve so ključnega pomena za osnovnošolske učitelje kemije, saj odkrivajo področja, ki učencem povzročajo največ težav. Naloga učitelja je prilagoditi svoje učne ure učencem na način, da dosežejo kar najvišje stopnje razumevanja.

Keywords:devetošolci, submikroskopska raven, kemijska vez, napačna razumevanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[T. Klun]
Number of pages:VI, 57 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98550 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11843401 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.12.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Understanding the triple nature of the chemical bond on submicroscopic level
The master’s thesis addresses three definitions of chemical bond with particular emphasis on the sub-microscopic level in a comprehensive manner. Slovenian pupils are taught about chemical bond for the first time in the eighth grade of primary school as part of learning about the connection between particles. Due to the abstract nature of the notion chemical bond, it is essential that pupils are encouraged to learn about the topic on the macroscopic, sub microscopic and symbolic level as this is crucial for them to develop an appropriate mental model regarding the chemical bond. The teacher’s explanations, additional explanation in the coursebook as well as consolidation and examination of acquired knowledge using the exercises provided in the workbook or by the teacher help pupils to form the mental model. Despite an integrated approach to learning about the abstract nature of chemical bond, there are still various misconceptions about the particles and chemical bond among pupils. To this end, the empirical part consists of a descriptive analysis of coursebooks and textbooks available in Slovenia on the inclusion of the sub-microscopic level in the explanation and consolidation of the notion chemical bond. We created a three-part test to examine the understanding of the notions regarding chemical bond on the sub-micro level and potential misconceptions of ninth grade pupils (on average aged 14). The findings of the teaching material analysis show that the symbolic level is the most common level in coursebooks and textbooks in particular, followed by the sub-microscopic and macroscopic level and the combination of the sub microscopic and symbolic level. However, the data obtained from the test show that pupils have a better understanding of the chemical bond on the symbolic level than on the sub-microscopic level. They are also more confident and successful in completing the tasks regarding the covalent bond than the ionic bond. Lack of knowledge and, consequently, a low level of success have been shown in tasks which include less well-known pictures of sub microscopic models and, according to Bloom, therefore belong to a higher level of cognitive knowledge. The data also indicate that pupils have difficulty in transforming the models between the presentations, which causes unsuitable mental models. These findings are essential for primary school chemistry teachers as they are revealing the areas that cause the most problems to the pupils. The duty of the teacher is to adapt their classes to the pupils’ needs in order to attain the highest level of comprehension.

Keywords:chemistry, primary education, kemija, osnovnošolski pouk

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