This diploma thesis is a review of the existing studies done between 1991 and 2016 which research reading. It has been established that we have three major studies in Slovenia: Slovensko javno mnenje (Slovenian public opinion), Nacionalna raziskava branosti (National research of readership), and a series of studies under the title Knjiga in bralci (The book and its readers). There are also a large number of studies on the micro level. Slovenian public opinion is the only longitudinal sociological study in Slovenia since it has been in progress since 1968. It researches reading only marginally. In 2000, there has been a change in the topics it researches and it has thus become more comparable to international studies. National research of readership has been in progress since 2002. Its main interest is the research of the print media readership. Since the study is being financed by the private sector, the information about the reach of one issue is publically avaliable, the rest is only available against payment. The only study that researches reading in depth is the series of studies under the title The book and its readers. It has been performed five times so far, namely in 1973, 1979, 1984, 1998 and 2014. For our research, only the last two studies are relevant due to the limited period of time covered in this research. Apart from these three nation-wide studies, there is an array of studies on the micro level which have been mostly done by individuals within the framework of institutes, and as part of diploma and masters theses. Although their results are not representative of the entire Slovenian population, they are important as they at least partially cover the topics not researched by the macro studies. The review and interpretation of the existing studies have shown that in the twenty-five years since Slovenia%s independence, we have not developed a long term cultural policy in the field of reading research.