
Vpliv pomladitvene rezi na rast in rodnost dreves navadnega oreha (Juglans regia L.)
ID Ožbolt, Darko (Author), ID Štampar, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Solar, Anita (Comentor)

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/57b19f0b-497b-4689-adb5-938790ccf9a6

Da bi dosegli stabilno in obilno rodnost, smo na 20-letnih drevesih lateralno rodnih sort navadnega oreha 'Lara', 'Fernor' in 'Fernette' spomladi 2015 prikrajšali po dve ogrodni veji in opazovali odziv po rezi. Izmerili smo dolžino ogrodnih vej pred rezjo in po rezi, bazalno in apikalno debelino, število nodijev in kote izraščanja. Prav tako smo merili in opazovali dve neprikrajšani veji in primerjali rezultate. Maja, julija in septembra smo izmerili osvetlitev krošenj. Konec leta 2015 smo izmerili dolžino, bazalno in apikalno debelino ter kote izraščanja novonastalih enoletnih poganjkov (1 LP). Spomladi 2016 smo prešteli nodije, vegetativne in rodne brste ter število ženskih cvetov in plodov. Po močni rezi se je pri vseh sortah povečalo število enoletnih poganjkov, največ (3,4 krat) pri sorti 'Fernette' in najmanj (2,4 krat) pri sorti 'Lara'. Enoletni poganjki na prikrajšani ogrodni veji so bili v primerjavi s poganjki na celi veji 5,4 krat daljši in 1,1 krat debelejši pri sorti 'Lara', 9,7 krat daljši in 1,3 krat debelejši pri sorti 'Fernor' in 17 krat daljši ter 1,8 krat debelejši pri sorti 'Fernette'. Na neprikrajšani veji je bila dolžina 1 LP pri vseh sortah približno enaka, podobno je bilo tudi število nodijev. Enoletni poganjki na prikrajšani veji so imeli v primerjavi s celo vejo več vegetativnih brstov, in sicer za 2,1 ('Fernette'), 2,5 ('Lara') in 3,8 ('Fernor'). Pri sorti 'Fernette' so imeli enoletni poganjki na prikrajšani veji približno štirikrat več rodnih brstov, ženskih cvetov, listov in plodov na 1 LP kot na celi veji. Meritve fotosintetsko aktivnega sevanja so pokazale, da količina prestrežene svetlobe ni imela velikega vpliva na obraščanje vej in lastnosti novih poganjkov. Učinek pomladitvene rezi je bil bolj odvisen od sorte.

Keywords:sadjarstvo, Juglans regia, oreh, pomladitvena rez
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[D. Ožbolt]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98376 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8866681 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of rejuvenation pruning on growth and yield of walnut trees (Juglans regia L.)
In order to achieve more stable and better yield, we conducted rejuvenation pruning of two main branches per walnut tree in spring 2015. 20-year-old trees of lateral fruiting varieties 'Lara', 'Fernor' and 'Fernette' were included into a study, and response to pruning was observed. Lenght of main branches, their apical and basal diameter, angle and number of nodes were measured before and after pruning. The same parameters were observed on two unpruned main branches per tree. In May, July and September we measured light interception of the canopy. At the end of 2015, we measured the length, basal and apical diameter and angle of newly formed annual shoots (AS). In the spring of 2016 we counted nodes, vegetative and fruting buds, and the number of female flowers and fruits on the AS. All varieties increased the number of the AS after a strong pruning, the most at the variety 'Fernette' (3.4 fold) and least at the variety 'Lara' (2.4 fold). The annual shoots on the pruned branches were 5.4 times longer and 1.1 times thicker at the variety 'Lara', 9.7 times longer and 1.3 times thicker at the variety 'Fernor' and 17 times longer and 1.8 times thicker at the veriety 'Fernette' than on the unpruned branches. There, the lenght of the AS as well as the number of nodes were approximately equal in all varieties. The AS on the pruned branches had more vegetative buds for 2.1 ('Fernette'), for 2.5 ('Lara') and for 3.8 ('Fernor') than the unpruned branches. At the veriety 'Fernette' the AS on the prunned branch showed approximatelly 4 fold more fuiting buds, female flowers, leaves and nuts than the unprunned branch. Measurements of photosynthetically active radiation showed that the light did not have such a strong effect on growth and characteristics of annual shoots. The effect of rejuvenation pruning was more dependent on the variety.

Keywords:fruit growing, Juglans regia, walnut, rejuvenation pruning

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