
Vsebnost sladkorjev in prehranske vlaknine v cvetnem prahu osmukancu
ID Pucihar, Tina (Author), ID Bertoncelj, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Polak, Tomaž (Comentor)

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MD5: A5086EF1A9E67FD62A4F5A9855EAA66F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/6728c303-7055-426c-ae4a-24af6a6ece14

Namen raziskave je bil pridobiti podatke o vsebnosti sladkorjev ter topne in netopne prehranske vlaknine v cvetnem prahu osmukancu. V analizo smo vključili osemindvajset vzorcev svežega slovenskega cvetnega prahu, pridobljenega v okviru projekta karakterizacije cvetnega prahu, ki jo izvaja Čebelarska zveza Slovenije. Za primerjavo smo vključili tudi tri vzorce cvetnega prahu s slovenskega tržišča. Analize smo opravili na mešanicah kot tudi na čistih vrstah cvetnega prahu osmukanca (ajda, kostanj, oljna ogrščica) iz različnih delov Slovenije. Rezultate smo primerjali glede na vrsto cvetnega prahu ter s predlaganimi mednarodnimi standardi kakovosti cvetnega prahu. Skupna vsebnost sladkorjev se je v analiziranih vzorcih cvetnega prahu osmukanca gibala med 24,71 in 55,35 g/100 g suhe snovi (ss). Izmed sladkorjev je prevladovala glukoza (10,60-28,49 g/100 g ss), sledila je fruktoza (13,17-27,84 g/100 g ss). Maltoza je bila tretji najbolj zastopan sladkor v cvetnem prahu (0,16-6,03 g/100 g ss), medtem ko sta bili saharoza (0,06-0,28 g/100 g ss) in melecitoza (0,01-0,98 g/100 g ss) sladkorja z najmanjšo vsebnostjo. Rezultati vsebnosti prehranske vlaknine so pokazali, da v cvetnem prahu osmukancu prevladuje netopna prehranska vlaknina (7,72-17,89 g/100 g ss), vsebnosti topne prehranske vlaknine pa so veliko manjše (0,62-5,21 g/100 g ss); v povprečju tudi do petkrat manjše. Vsebnost skupne prehranske vlaknine je obsegala območje vrednosti med 10,00 in 21,37 g/100 g ss. Med domačim mešanim, domačim enovrstnim in mešanim cvetnim prahom s slovenskega tržišča smo ugotovili statistično značilne razlike le v vsebnostih netopne prehranske vlaknine, skupne prehranske vlaknine ter melecitoze. Z rezultati bomo lahko prispevali k vzpostavitvi slovenskega standarda kakovosti sestave cvetnega prahu osmukanca ter hkrati povečali komercialno vrednost tega čebeljega pridelka.

Keywords:cvetni prah, osmukanec, kemijska sestava, sladkorji, prehranska vlaknina, netopna prehranska vlaknina, topna prehranska vlaknina, analizne metode, tekočinska kromatografija HILIC, encimsko gravimetrična metoda
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Pucihar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98330 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4843384 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Sugars and dietary fibre content in bee pollen
The purpose of the study was to obtain data on the content of sugars and soluble and insoluble dietary fibre in bee pollen. Twenty-eight samples of fresh Slovenian bee pollen, obtained in the framework of the bee pollen characterization project carried out by the Slovenian Beekeeper’s Association were included in the study. For comparison, three samples of pollen from the Slovenian market were also included. The analyzes were carried out on multifloral as well as on monofloral bee pollen (buckwheat, chestnut, rape) from various parts of Slovenia. The results were compared with the pollen type and the proposed international standards for pollen quality. The total sugars content ranged between 24.71 and 55.35 g/100 g of dry matter (DM) in the analyzed pollen samples. From sugars, glucose prevailed (10.60-28.49 g/100 g of DM), fructose followed (13.17-27.84 g/100 g of DM). Maltose was the third most represented sugar in bee pollen (0.16-6.03 g/100 g of DM), while sucrose (0.06-0.28 g/100 g of DM) and melecitose (0.01-0.98 g/100 g of DM) were sugars with a minimum content found. The results of the dietary fibre content showed that insoluble dietary fibre predominates in bee pollen (7.72-17.89 g/100 g of DM), while the content of soluble fibre is much smaller (0.62-5.21 g/100 g of DM); on average up to five times smaller. The total dietary fiber content ranged from 10.00 to 21.37 g/100 g of DM. Among domestic multifloral, domestic monofloral and multifloral bee pollen from the Slovenian market, statistically significant differences were found only in the content of insoluble dietary fibre, total dietary fibre and melecitose. With the results we will be able to contribute to the establishment of the Slovenian standard in the quality of bee pollen composition, while at the same time increasing the commercial value of this bee product.

Keywords:pollen, bee pollen, chemical composition, sugars, dietary fibre, insoluble dietary fibre, soluble dietary fibre, analytical methods, liquid chromatography HILIC, enzymatic-gravimetric method

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