
Opredelitev plesa in plesno-gibalne terapije: pregled plesnih zvrsti in njihova uporaba v plesno-gibalni terapiji v različnih državah in kulturah
ID Di Dio, Kristina (Author), ID Vidrih, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zagorc, Meta (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu sem proučila področji plesa in plesno-gibalne terapije. Izvedla sem pregled umetniškega plesa, ki je uporabljen tudi v terapevtske namene. Opisala sem tiste pojme in zvrsti plesa, ki so prisotni v različnih pristopih plesno-gibalne terapije. Ples sem podrobneje predstavila v tistih delih, ki se navezujejo na pojmovanje in razvoj področja plesno-gibalne terapije. Opisala sem različne plesne zvrsti in oblike, katerih uporaba v terapevtske namene je danes zelo razširjena (balet, buto, kontaktno improvizacijo, expression primitive – prvinski izraz, orientalske plese, družabne plese, tango, ustvarjalni gib, sodobni ples), in njihovo uporabo v plesno-gibalni terapiji, kjer ugotovljam, kako je ples pripomogel k njenemu razvoju. V raziskavi sem predstavila pregled plesno-gibalne terapije v evropskem prostoru, poleg tega pa sem navedla tudi primere in vplive z drugih celin, in sicer iz Amerike, Afrike in z Daljnega vzhoda. Vzporedno sem opisala različne plesne zvrsti in ugotovila njihovo uporabnost v različnih pristopih plesno-gibalne terapije. Opravila sem tudi pregled razlik v posameznih pristopih, in sicer z upoštevanjem in soočanjem zgodovinskega razvoja discipline plesno-gibalne terapije, ki je kot mlada stroka razširjena po vsem svetu. Ples se skozi čas in prostor spreminja, prav tako se spreminja plesno-gibalna terapija. Na podlagi proučene literature sem utemeljila razlike med pojmom plesa, ki je uporabljen v terapevtske namene, in plesno-gibalno terapijo. Pregledala in utemeljila sem področje plesno-gibalne terapije ter sestavila področni pregled plesa in plesnih zvrsti v tistih delih, ki se navezujejo na pojmovanje in razvoj plesno-gibalne terapije. Predstavila sem sodobne pristope plesno-gibalne terapije in opisala nova spoznanja na področju nevroznanosti, in sicer kako lahko plesno-gibalni terapevt aktivira proces nevroplastičnosti pri posameznem klientu. To lahko stori s poznavanjem načina gibanja posameznega klienta in s spodbudo k obogatitvi njegovega gibalnega vzorca. Poleg tega sem opisala antropološki pristop, ki pripisuje pomembno vlogo posameznikovi »plesni identiteti«.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98298 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11832137 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.12.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Definition of dance and dance movement therapy: overview of dance styles and their application for the scopes of the dance movement therapy in different countries and cultures
The master thesis discusses the areas of dance and dance movement therapy. Moreover it presents an overview of the artistic dance, which is applied for therapeutic treatment purposes. Furthermore, it defines concepts and dance genres that are present within different dance movement therapy approaches. Dance description is further elaborated in those chapters dedicated to the understanding and development of dance movement therapy. The thesis presents different dance genres and forms, which are nowadays frequently used within dance movement therapy (ballet, buto, contact improvisation, expression primitive – primitive expression, oriental dances, social dances, tango, creative movement, modern dance) as well as their application for the purposes of dance movement therapy, where I provide an explanation on how has dance contributed to its development. The research provides an overview of the dance movement therapy in Europe, additionally it presents some examples and influences from other continents, namely America, Africa and the Far East. Along with the overview I described different dance genres and their usefulness in various dance movement therapy approaches. Furthermore the research discusses the differences between various approaches by taking into consideration and confronting the historical development of the discipline of dance movement therapy, which is a young discipline yet widely spread throughout the world. Dance changes through time and space, and so does also the dance movement therapy. On the basis of the examined literature I described the differences between the concept of dance, which is used for therapeutic purposes, and the dance movement therapy. Furthermore, I reviewed and presented the field of dance movement therapy and prepared an insight into different fields of dance and dance genres within the chapters, which are related to the understanding and development of dance movement therapy. The thesis presents modern approaches to dance movement therapy and describes new findings in the field of neuroscience, specifically on how a dance movement therapist stimulates the neuroplasticity process activation in a particular patient’s brain. This can be done by identifying how a person moves and by encouraging this person to enrich his or her movement pattern. I also described the anthropological approach, which assigns a major role to the person’s “dance identity”.


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