Themes of relationships in urban environment, beginnings in media res, an abrupt ending, absence of insight, ruined communication, dialogue atmosphere, common language as well as lack of skillfulness in style are features of the minimalistic collections Menjave kož and Gverilci. Stylistic analysis of the language shows that the before mentioned characteristics are expressed in the use of lexemes marked by form; especially the colloquial, expressive, pejorative and vulgar ones. One can notice an influence of the foreign and spontaneous spoken language; elements of the latter can be noticed on both the lexis and syntax level (break of the literary axis, literary nonsense, word order). Both authors rarely deviate from the orthographic transcription. The atmosphere is determined by the repetition of certain verbs, particles and adverbs. Ellipticy is manifested in the use of punctuation and dialogues, which consist of short replies and are the devices of the implicit characterization. Comparisons, in which the compared and the comparative words are connected with the conjunctions "as" and "like" are typical for both authors. There are no reconstructions on the comparisons level. In Blatnik's collection, interrogative sentences present the most apparent stylistic device, whereas P. Glavan uses non-verbal elements in his texts.