The dissertation with title Poetry of Barbara Korun and its reception represents literary creativity of Barbara Korun,which include six poetry collections - Ostrina miline (1999), Zapiski iz podmizja (2003), Razpoke (2004), Pridem takoj (2011), Čečica, motnjena od ljubezni (2014) in Vmes (2016). In her debut poet she exposes four main topics: nature, death, poetry and erotica. In the following collections she keeps her main topics, which she complements with social and residential topics. The lyric subject in the last two collections becomes inseparably linked with the author. We are witnessing her reaction to social events. Her poetry is becoming more and more engaged, it draws attention to the injustice that is happening in the world, that's why her lyric subject is often placed on the side of the helpless. With her first collection Ostrina miline, the poet promptly made herself noticed. With the publications of the following collections, she further attracted the attention of readers and critics,which is evident by the increasing number of responses. The translation of Barbara Korun's poetry into foregin languages, the placement of her poems in collections and anthologies, and the important awards she received, rank the poet among the representative authors of middle generation.