
Delovnopravni položaj športnikov v moštvenih športih
ID Žižak, Tevž (Author), ID Tičar, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 61A2107FA5C12EAD15027B055EE798EF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9b1bd4f2-9b7b-42a5-8051-4f5543b55c5d

V magistrski nalogi je obravnavan delovnopravni položaj športnikov v moštvenih športih. Avtor se pri tem osredotoča na slovensko delovnopravno ureditev in izhaja iz hipoteze, da razmerja med športniki in športnimi klubi v moštvenih športih ustrezajo vsem elementom delovnega razmerja, kot jih opredeljuje Zakon o delovnih razmerjih (ZDR-1). Upoštevajoč neurejeno stanje v praksi avtor najprej analizira in predstavi ključne elemente delovnopravnega varstva, pri čemer zlasti ugotavlja pomen in vsebino delovnega razmerja in njegovih opredelilnih elementov ter preučuje opremljenost zakonodaje za boj zoper prikrita delovna razmerja. Avtor ugotavlja, da je ZDR-1 za to ustrezno opremljen, kar potrjuje tudi sodna praksa, ki, vsaj v novejših odločitvah, izrecno izpostavlja načelo primarnosti dejstev. Izhajajoč iz tega konteksta avtor ugotavlja, da so v razmerju med športnikom in klubom izpolnjeni vsi elementi delovnega razmerja, pri čemer je še posebej poudarjena visoka stopnja osebne podrejenosti profesionalnega športnika. Zaradi tega naj bi bila neustrezna posebna ureditev delovnopravnega položaja športnikov, ki jo uvaja novi Zakon o športu (ZŠpo-1), saj omogoča, da pogodbeni stranki, ne glede na omejitve iz ZDR-1, drugače uredita medsebojne pravice in obveznosti, ki se nanašajo na nekatere ključne institute delovnopravnega varstva. Kljub temu, da ZŠpo-1 vsebuje tudi nekatere ustrezne določbe, ki upoštevajo posebnosti športnega udejstvovanja in omogočajo zakonito sklepanje pogodb o zaposlitvi tudi v tovrstnih razmerjih, je avtor kritičen do nove ureditve delovnopravnega položaja športnikov, saj meni, da ta neutemeljeno in prekomerno odstopa od siceršnje vsebine delovnega razmerja, ki je s tem vsebinsko praktično izvotljeno. Obenem pa izraža upanje, da bo izrecno priznavanje delovnopravnega položaja športnikov vodilo v ustrezen socialni dialog, ki bi športnikom zagotovil določene minimalne standarde varstva.

Keywords:delovnopravni položaj športnikov, moštveni športi, slovenska delovnopravna ureditev, delovnopravno varstvo, delovno razmerje, elementi delovnega razmerja, prikrito delovno razmerje, Zakon o športu, posebna ureditev delovnopravnega položaja športnikov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-98179 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15909713 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The employment status of athletes in team sports
The master's thesis examines the employment status of athletes in team sports. Stemming from the hypothesis that the relation between athletes and sports clubs in team sports corresponds to all the elements of the employment relationship as defined by Employment Relationships Act (ERA-1), the author focuses on the Slovenian labour legislation. In view of the disorderly situation in practice, the author first analyses and presents key elements that guarantee labour protection for workers, in particular, determining the meaning and content of the employment relationship and its determinative elements, and assessing the regulatory capacity to combat disguised employment relationships. The author finds that ERA-1 is adequately equipped for this and also reinforced by the case law, which, at least in recent decisions, explicitly highlights the principle of primacy of facts. Deriving from this context, the author concludes that the relationship between the athlete and the club fulfils all the elements of an employment relationship, with a particular emphasis on the intense subordination of a professional athlete. The special employment regulation of athletes in the new Sports Act (SA-1) is therefore inappropriate, since it allows the contracting parties to derogate some of the key elements of labour protection. Notwithstanding some of SA-1’s reasonable new provisions that take into account the specificity of sport and allow for the lawful conclusion of employment contracts in such relationships, the author is critical of the new employment regulation of athletes, as he believes that it is unreasonably and excessively deviating from the content of the general employment relationship to the extent of being substantially practically exhausted. At the same time, he expresses hope that the explicit recognition of the employment status of athletes will lead to an appropriate social dialogue that would result in obtaining mandatory employment standards for athletes.

Keywords:employment status of athletes, team sports, Slovenian labour legislation, labour protection, employment relationship, elements of the employment relationship, disguised employment relationship, Sports Act, special employment regulation of athletes

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