
Zasnova sistema za selektivno lasersko taljenje kovinskega prahu
ID Škaper, Rok (Author), ID Govekar, Edvard (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vrabič, Rok (Comentor)

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MD5: B9E22EF6E09C3D2C9B14B653AA059E03
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9234a16c-c45a-4766-92ae-ff0f7cd385cd

Slojevite tehnologije so izdelovalne tehnologije , pri katerih se izdelek gradi z dodajanjem materiala po plasteh. Izgradnja izdelka po plasteh dopušča večjo svobodo pri oblikovanju in izdelavo komponent kompleksnih oblik, kar se odraža v novih konceptualnih rešitvah, večji funkcionalnosti in manjši teži izdelka. Sprva so se slojevite tehnologije uporabljaje predvsem za izdelavo prototipov in unikatnih izdelkov. Z razvojem tehnologije se vse pogosteje uporabljajo za izdelavo polimernih in kovinskih končnih izdelkov. V diplomskem delu je predstavljena zasnova sistema za selektivno lasersko taljenje kovinskega prahu. Izhodišče za načrtovanje je bila uporaba obstoječega CO2 laserskega izvora za proces taljenja kovinskega prahu. Uvodoma je podan pregled slojevitih tehnologij, s poudarkom na procesih, ki kot vstopni material uporabljajo kovinski prah. V okviru zasnove sistema za selektivno lasersko taljenje kovinskega prahu so opredeljene in izbrane potrebne komponente in izvedeno načrtovanje sistema z ozirom na lastnosti izbranih komponent. Zasnovani sistem v dimenzijah (V, Š, G) = (1.0,0.9,0.4) m omogoča namizno postavitev ter slojevito izdelavo delov prostornine 120 x 120 x 140 mm.

Keywords:selektivno lasersko sintranje, selektivno lasersko taljenje, zasnova sistema, CO2 laser, inertna komora, kovinski prah, 3D-tiskalnik.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97789 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Design of a system for the selective laser melting of metallic powder
Layered technologies are manufacturing technologies where, the product is built by adding material in layers. The layered construction of the product allows for greater freedom in the design and production of complex components, which is reflected in new conceptual solutions, greater functionality and lower weight of the product. Initially, the additive technologies were used primarily for the production of prototypes and unique products. With the development of the technology it is more often used for manufacturing polymer and metal end products. The bachelor’s thesis presents the first stage in the production of a system for selective laser melting of metallic powder. The starting point for the design was the use of CO2 laser source for the process of melting of the metal powder. In the introduction a review of additive technologies is given, with emphasis on processes that use metal powder as the input material. Within the framework of the design of the system for the selective laser melting of metallic powder, the necessary components are selected and system is designed with respect to the properties of the selected components. The designed system in dimensions (H, W, D) = (1.0,0.9,0.4) m enables tabletop installation and layered construction of parts with a volume of 120 x 120 x 140 mm.

Keywords:selective laser sintering, selective laser melting, design of a system, CO2 laser, inert chamber, metal powder, 3D-printer.

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