
Trinitarična duhovnost pri različnih teologih, duhovnih učiteljih in mistikih: trinitarični vidik duhovnosti pri Avguštinu, Mariji od Učlovečenja ter Favstini Kowalski : magistrska naloga
ID Herle, Dominik Janez (Author), ID Turnšek, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu Trinitarična duhovnost pri različnih teologih, duhovnih učiteljih in mistikih: Trinitarični vidik duhovnosti pri Avguštinu, Mariji od Učlovečenja ter Favstini Kowalski smo se osredotočili na troosebno odnosnost v Sveti Trojici. Razumevanje odnosov, ki potekajo znotraj Trojice, pomaga vernikom pri poglabljanju odnosa z Bogom ter pri izboljšanju njihovih medsebojnih odnosov. V prvem delu je opis življenja sv. Avguština; njegove poti iskanja Boga, spreobrnjenja ter pisanja o Sveti Trojici. Njegovo življenje in njegovi zapisi nas opominjajo na pomembnost očiščevanja, skozi katerega mora iti vernik na poti do zrenja Boga. Poleg tega v tem delu vidimo Avguštinov prispevek k trinitarični teologiji, saj nam predstavi enost in enakost Boga, podrobno opiše odnose med osebami Svete Trojice, kaže pa nam tudi na podobnost človeške duše s Trojico. V drugem delu spoznamo življenje sv. Marije od Učlovečenje (Marie Guyart); od njenih začetkov, poroke, dela, vstopa v samostan, njenega duhovno-mističnega življenja, misijonskega dela, pa vse do njene smrti. Osredotočeni smo na njeno doživljanje mistične poroke z Bogom, katere opis je opravljen s pomočjo analizne metode. Pri tem podrobneje spoznamo vlogo Jezusa kot njenega Ženina ter bolje razumemo naravo delovanja Svete Trojice. Spoznamo, da Marijina mistična doživetja rojevajo bogate sadove v odnosih do njenih bližnjih. Ti sadovi se kažejo predvsem v njenem nesebičnem služenju in pomoči sočloveku. Zadnji del naloge je posvečen opisu življenja sv. Favstine Kowalske, njenemu doživljanju Svete Trojice ter njene vloge oznanjevalke Božjega usmiljenja. Sveta Trojica se Favstini razodeva preko svojih lastnosti (predvsem usmiljenja), v mistični zaroki in poroki pa ji da spoznati odnose, ki vladajo znotraj Trojice. Proti koncu tega dela je opis mističnih darov, s katerimi je Bog sestro Favstino obdaril in ki jih je uporabila za služenje ljudem. S pomočjo primerjalne metode smo tako spoznali naravo odnosov v Trojici, teološko osvetlili sadove avtorjevih doživetij ter jih aktualizirali.

Keywords:Sveta Trojica, odnosi, mistična poroka, ženin, očiščenje, zrenje, človeška duša.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. J. Herle]
Number of pages:III, 109 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97781 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7742298 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Trinitarian spirituality in various theologians, spiritual teachers and mystics: trinitarian aspect of spirituality in Augustine, Mary of the Incarnation and Faustina Kowalska
In master thesis Trinitarian Spirituality in Various Theologians, Spiritual Teachers and Mystics: Trinitarian Aspect of Spirituality in Augustine, Mary of the Incarnation and Faustina Kowalska, we are focused on three personal relations in the Holy Trinity. Understanding of the ongoing relations within the Trinity, helps believers at deepening their relation with God and with improvement of their inter-personal relationships. In the first part there is a description of the life of St. Augustine; his ways of searching for God, conversion and writing about Holy Trinity. His life and his records are reminding us of the importance of purification, through which every believer must go in his path towards seeing God. Besides that, we see in this part Augustine’s contribution to Trinitarian theology, since he represents to us oneness and equality of God. In details, he describes the relations between the persons of the Holy Trinity and he is also pointing on similarity between human soul and Trinity. In the second part, we become familiar with the life of St. Mary of the Incarnation (Marie Guyart); from her starting, marriage, work, entrance into convent, her spiritual/mystical life, missionary work, until her death. We are focused on her experience of the mystical marriage with God, whose description is done through the help of analytical method. In doing that, we got to know the role of Jesus as Groom, also we got to know better the nature of Holy Trinity’s function. We realize, that Mary’s mystical experiences are bearing rich fruits in the relationships towards her neighbors. These fruits are primarily seen in her unselfish service and help of fellowman. The last part of thesis is dedicated to the life of St. Faustina Kowalska, her experience of Holy Trinity and her role as a proclaimer of God’s mercy. The Holy Trinity is revealing herself to Faustina through attributes (especially mercy). In the mystical bethroval and marriage the Holy Trinity let her understand relations, which are within the Trinity. Towards the end of this part there is a description of mystical gifts which God bestowed on sister Faustina and which she used for the service of people. So, with the help of method of comparison, we got to know the nature of relations in the Trinity, we shed theological light on the fruits of authors experiences which we than actualized.

Keywords:Holy Trinity, relations, mystical marriage, groom, purification, seeing, human soul.

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