
Raziskava karakteristik mešalnega sklopa fermentorja
ID Hristov, Marijan (Author), ID Bombač, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 96438FDF55E8ED58E2816E94A923C321
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ab591c18-ec30-40a8-a685-44ee890ede13

V magistrskem delu so obravnavana večstopenjska mešala pilotnega fermentorja – petstopenjsko in tristopenjski mešali. Uporabljena mešala so bila: Rushtonovo mešalo (8RT), mešalo z zavitimi lopaticami (6ABT), štiri protitočna mešala (IM) in mešali z ravnimi lopaticami pod kotom (6PBT). Opravljene so bile meritve moči mešanja P, globalnega deleža plinaste faze α in časa pomešanja t_90 pri različnih režimih obratovanja za newtonsko in ne-newtonsko tekočino. Izmerjena povprečna vrednost Newtonovega števila v turbulentnem režimu je znašala 18,91 za petstopenjsko mešalo, ter 7,37 in 2,73 za tristopenjski mešali. Globalni delež plinaste faze je pri dispergiranju v vodi narastel do ~10%, v fermentacijski brozgi do ~8% in v vodni raztopini xanthana do ~7%. Najnižja dosežena vrednost razmerja moči (P_g/P) je bila 0,32 pri dispergiranju 10,8 m^3/h zraka v vodo pri vrtilni frekvenci 200 min^-1. Pri dispergiranju v brozgi je najnižje razmerje moči znašalo ~0,6, pri dispergiranju v vodni raztopini xanthana pa ~0,5. Poplavnega stanja po metodi skokovite spremembe ni bilo moč zaznati. Čas pomešanja je bil določen po metodi motnja/odziv in se je pri meritvah mešanja vode gibal med 40 s in 120 s, pri meritvah z dispergiranjem zraka v vodi pa so bili časi razpršeni okoli 50 s. Prikazana je tudi procedura pomanjšave, ko iz dejanskih izmerjenih karakterističnih veličin na industrijskem fermentorju želimo doseči čimbolj podobno tokovno polje dvofaznega sistema plin/kapljevina na pilotnem fermentorju.

Keywords:mešalo, fermentor, karakteristika moči, dispergiranje zraka, delež plinaste faze, poplavno stanje, čas pomešanja, ne-newtonska tekočina, xanthan
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97616 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.10.2017
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Title:Study of fermenter mixing unit characteristics
Multistage stirrers – one five-stage and two three-stage stirrers – of the pilot fermenter are discussed in this master's thesis. Rushton turbine (8RT), asymmetric blades turbine (6ABT), four intermig impellers (IM) and two pitch blades turbines (6PBT) were used. Mixing power P, gas holdup α and mixing time t_90 measurements were performed for different operating regimes in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid. The measured average values of the power number in the turbulent regime were 18.91 for five-stage stirrer, and 7.37 and 2.73 for three-stage stirrers. Gas holdup has risen up to ~10% by dispersing in the water, to ~8% by dispersing in the fermentation broth and to ~7% by dispersing in the xanthan aqueous solution. The lowest power ratio (P_g/P) value was 0.32 by dispersing 10.8 m^3/h of air in the water at a rotational speed of 200 min^-1. By dispersing in the broth, the lowest power ratio was ~0.6; by dispersing in the xanthan aqueous solution the lowest value was ~0.5. The flooding transition could not be detected by the method of the abrupt change. Mixing time was determined by disorder/response method and varied between 40 s and 120 s by mixing in the water, while mixing times were scattered around 50 s by air dispersing. A scale-down procedure is also shown where we want to achieve similar flow field of the two phase gas/liquid system on the pilot fermenter from the actual measured characteristic quantities at the industrial fermenter.

Keywords:stirrer, fermenter, power curve, air dispersing, gas holdup, flooding state, mixing time, non-Newtonian fluid, xanthan

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