
ID GRAŠIČ, NINA (Author), ID Stare, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B87F5E379EE94F83152BD45C55B3F3E7
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/82955711-823d-43ee-8082-a114a22f3fcb

Stres je zaradi svoje pogostosti in izrazitosti postal značilnost današnje družbe. Zaradi nenehnega spreminjanja okolja, zunanjih vplivov, razvoja napredne tehnologije, hitrejšega tempa življenja in konstantnih prilagajanj se je stres razširil na vsa področja življenja in posledično postal spremljevalec tako osebnega kot poklicnega življenja. Navzočnost stresa pa povzroča vedno več psihičnih in fizičnih zdravstvenih težav in nenazadnje tudi negativnih posledic v poslovanju organizacij, saj so stresni zaposleni vir vedno večjih stroškov in odsotnosti z dela, ki vplivajo na neučinkovitost in neuspešnost organizacije. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča predvsem na prisotnost stresa na delovnem mestu, saj je namen dela raziskati, kateri dejavniki so tisti, zaradi katerih so zaposleni na delovnem mestu podvrženi stresu. Razlog za raziskovanje je osnovan na prepričanju, da bi ustrezno informiranje o stresu na delovnem mestu v prihodnosti pripomoglo k uveljavljanju sproščenih delovnih mest, predvsem pa zmanjšanju količine stresa zaposlenih. Cilj diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri je Center za socialno delo Kranj izpostavljen stresu, in sicer s pomočjo raziskave, ki je opravljena na podlagi anketnega vprašalnika. Vzroki za prisotnost stresa ter razlike v dojemanju stresa glede na spol in starost so bili proučeni s pomočjo odgovorov sodelujočih pri anketnem vprašalniku. Ugotovitve raziskave so pokazale, da so zaposleni na CSD Kranj izpostavljeni stresu zaradi preobremenjenosti, da so starejši od 40 let dovzetnejši za stres ter da je učinkovitost spopadanja s stresom glede na spol relativna. Korektna uporaba izsledkov raziskave pa bi pripomogla k prepoznavanju problema in njegovemu hitrejšemu odpravljanju, saj bi organizacije lahko posegle po določenih metodah za boljše prepoznavanje in obvladovanje stresa.

Keywords:stres na delovnem mestu, značilnosti in vzroki stresa, posledice stresa, upravljanje s stresom, center za socialno delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97560 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.10.2017
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Secondary language

Stress has become an important factor of today's society due to its consistent nature and significant effects. The constant changing of environment, external influences, the development of advanced technology, fast life tempo and the constant requirements for adjustment affects the stress to spread over all areas of life and consequently became a companion of both personal and professional life. The presence of stress causes an increased number of mental and physical issues, as well as negative consequences in organizational business processes. Employees under stress are a source of a constantly increasing organizational expenditure and often absent from work, which leads to inefficiency and unsuccessfulness of the organization. The thesis focuses on the presence of stress in the working environment. The purpose of this academic work is to point out the factors which cause stress at the workplace. The conducted research is based on the belief that correct information about stress at the workplace would improve enforcement of a relaxed working environment and lowering the amount of stress among employees in the future. The goal of the thesis is to determine the degree to which the employees at the Center for social work in Kranj is exposed to stress by conducting a survey, based on the theoretical background. The causes of stress and the differences in understanding it in correlation with sex and age were researched, with the aid of answers from personnel taking the questionnaire. The findings indicate that firstly, the employees of the Center for social work in Kranj are exposed to stress due to work overload, secondly, employees over forty years of age are more prone to stress, thirdly, that the effectiveness of overcoming stress is relative in correlation to gender. The correct usage of collected information would help in recognizing the issues and exposing a way to effectively overcome them, offering organizations an insight which may contribute to taking the optimal methods to detect and manage stress.

Keywords:stress at workplace, factors of stress, consequences of stress, stress management, center for social work

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