
Ključni trenutki v reportažni fotografiji pasjih razstav
ID Jereb, Neža (Author), ID Možina, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 030D0E20B76173A43FCF995DF4732F38
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/831fe54f-b2f0-4223-a5ad-a1e330560703

Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti reportažno fotogra jo dogodka. Vključuje opis priprav ter razmišljanja pred samim fotogra ranjem kot tudi predstavitev terenskega dela, njegovih izzivov in reševanja problemov. S tovrstnim znanjem lahko nastane pripovedna fotozgodba, ki zajame bistvo dogodka. Take fotogra je pa so kasneje uporabne tudi za namene trženja. Teoretični del zajema kratko zgodovino reportažne fotogra je, predstavitev opreme kot tudi ključnih nastavitev, ki jih fotograf upravlja med delom. Opisan je tudi proces postprodukcije. V eksperimentalnem delu je predstavljena razdrobljena avtorska fotozgodba. Vsaka fotogra ja predstavlja določen problem, ob katerem je opisano, kako je bil rešen med fotogra ranjem ter v postprodukciji. Zajema opis nastavitev ter tudi kratko likovno analizo posamezne fotogra je. Skozi celoten proces nastajanja diplomskega dela je potekalo fotogra ranje dogodkov pasjih razstav zaradi preizkušanja nastavitev in spoznavanja uporabljene opreme. Končen nabor fotogra j je avtorsko delo avtorice diplomskega dela in izraža njeno predstavitev izbranega dogodka skozi fotozgodbo.

Keywords:fotogra ja, reportažna fotogra ja, fotozgodba, svetloba, kompozicija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-97191 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Key moments in dog show reportage photography
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to present event reportage photography. This includes the description of preparations and thinking before photographing, as well as working process of the eld work, its challenges, and problem solving. With such knowledge, a quality photostory of a certain event can be created. Photographs that were created could later also be used for commercial purposes. The theoretical part consists of short reportage photography history, description of available equipment, as well as description of useful settings frequently used during work. Also work in postproduction is described.. The experimental part presents a fragmented photostory. Each photography represents a certain problem and a description of how it has been solved during photographing and in post production. It includes settings description and short photography analysis. Through the process of writing this diploma thesis, a series of dog show events were photographed for the purpose of getting to know the right settings and equipement. Photographs presented in chapter Results of practical part, are copyrighted work of the author of this thesis and exspress the author’s presentation of the chosen event.

Keywords:photography, reportage photography, photostory, light, composition

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