
Specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi o uporabi materialov Montessori pri pouku naravoslovja
ID Pogačnik, Veronika (Avtor), ID Skribe Dimec, Darja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4845/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Vzgojitelji in učitelji v slovenskih vrtcih in šolah, ki delujejo po pedagogiki montessori uporabljajo pri svojem delu materiale, ki jih je razvila Maria Montessori (v nadaljevanju MM). Temelje svoje pedagogike je postavila na poučevanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami (v nadaljevanju OPP), zato bi bilo smiselno materiale montessori vključiti tudi v delo specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov (v nadaljevanju SRP). V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela je najprej na kratko opisana vloga SRP v procesu vzgoje in izobraževanja. Nato je predstavljeno delo MM z OPP ter temeljni principi njene pedagogike. Poseben poudarek je na predstavitvi nekaterih materialov montessori s področja naravoslovja, s katerimi je MM želela otroke spodbuditi k samostojnemu odkrivanju sveta ter preučevanju stvari in pojavov, ki nas obdajajo. Empirični del magistrskega dela temelji na analizi podatkov, pridobljenih z vprašalnikom. Pri izpolnjevanju vprašalnikov so sodelovali SRP, zaposleni v različnih vzgojno-izobraževalnih programih. Pridobljenih je bilo 114 pravilno izpolnjenih vprašalnikov. Ugotovitve kažejo, da večji del SRP materialov montessori s področja naravoslovja ne pozna in jih zato ne uporablja. Razloge navajajo v nepoznavanju pedagogike montessori in lastnosti materialov montessori, pomanjkanju finančnih sredstev za nakup materialov itd. Ugotovili smo, da med SRP obstajajo razlike v poznavanju in uporabi materialov montessori s področja naravoslovja glede na opravljena izobraževanja montessori, ki so jih opravili. Glede na delovno dobo SRP ter glede na to, v katerem izobraževalnem programu delajo SRP, pa razlike v poznavanju in uporabi materialov s področja naravoslovja niso statistično značilne. V okviru raziskave smo preverili tudi (ne)naklonjenost vodstva nakupu in uporabi materialov montessori. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da velik del SRP finančno podporo za nakup materialov montessori ima, tisti, ki je nimajo, pa si materiale montessori zato pogosto rajši izdelajo sami. (Ne)naklonjenost vodstva nakupu in uporabi materialov montessori se glede na vzgojno-izobraževalni program, v katerem SRP delujejo, ne razlikuje oz. razlike niso statistično značilne. Z ugotovitvami raziskave smo pokazali na ovire, ki se pojavljajo pri vključevanju materialov montessori v delo SRP. Raziskava pokaže tudi, kateri materiali montessori s področja naravoslovja so SRP manj poznani. To nas je vodilo k podrobni predstavitvi teh materialov v teoretičnem delu. SRP bodo z njihovo uporabo pridobili nove strategije za bolj celostno obravnavo OPP ter pripomogli k bolj kakovostnem razvoju nekaterih najnujnejših splošnih in naravoslovnih sposobnosti ter spretnosti OPP.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagog
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96960 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:11775305 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:13.12.2017
Število ogledov:1133
Število prenosov:299
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Special and rehabilitation pedagogy educators on the use of Montessori materials in a natural science classroom
Educators and teachers in Slovene schools and preschools who follow the Montessori pedagogy use materials developed by Maria Montessori (referred to as MM in the following text). Her pedagogy is rooted in teaching children with special needs (referred to as CSN in the following text) and this is why it would be reasonable to include the Montessori materials into the work of special and rehabilitation pedagogy educator (referred to as SRPs in the following text). The theoretical part of this master’s thesis first gives a short description of the role of SRPs in the education and training process. This is followed by the introduction of MM’s work with CSN and the basic principles of her pedagogy. A special focus is set on the presentation of certain Montessori materials used in the field of natural sciences, with which MM aimed to encourage children to independently discover the world and to explore objects and phenomena in their surroundings. The empirical part of the thesis is based on the analysis of data drawn from a questionnaire. The informants who participated in answering questions included SRPs employed in different education and training programs. 114 questionnaires were accurately answered. The results show that the majority of SRPs are not familiar with Montessori materials used in the field of natural sciences and therefore do not use them. They cite a lack of knowledge regarding the Montessori pedagogy and the characteristics of Montessori materials, a lack of finances etc. as reasons. It has been established that there are differences among SRPs regarding the knowledge and the usage of Montessori materials used in the field of natural sciences. These differences are based on whether or not they completed Montessori training courses. Based on the length of their employment and on the educational program the SRPs work in, the differences regarding the knowledge and usage of materials used in the field of natural sciences are of no statistical significance. The survey also researched whether the governing body of the school approves or disapproves the purchase and usage of Montessori materials. Results show that in the majority of cases the SRPs usually do not get any financial support that would allow them to purchase Montessori materials; therefore, they often prefer to make them by themselves. Whether the governing body of the school approves or disapproves the purchase and usage of Montessori materials does not differ or is of no statistical significance regarding the education and training program in which the SRPs are working. The results of this survey show the barriers which occur by implementing the Montessori materials into the work of SRPs. The survey shows also, which Montessori materials for the field of natural sciences are lesser known to the SRPs. This was the reason for the introduction of these materials in the theoretical part of this text. By using these materials, SRPs will gain new strategies, which will contribute to a more holistic approach in the treatment of CSN and help improve the quality of the development of certain basic and natural science competences and skills of the CSN.

Ključne besede:special and rehabilitation pedagogy educator

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