
Ustvarjanje z gibom v predšolskem obdobju
ID Avsenik, Janja (Author), ID Geršak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala, kako so predšolski otroci iz Vrtca pri OŠ Žirovnica motivirani za ustvarjanje z gibom. Zanimalo me je, ali bodo otroci aktivno sodelovali v plesnih dejavnostih. Želela sem spodbuditi njihovo ustvarjanje in izražanje lastnega doživljanja trenutka skozi gib. Moj namen je bil, da bi bile vse načrtovane dejavnosti za otroke prijetna izkušnja in bi se počutili dovolj sproščeni za ustvarjalno sodelovanje ter izražanje z gibom. V teoretičnem delu sem opisala značilnosti gibanja predšolskega otroka, plesno umetnost in ustvarjalnost otrok. Različne avtorje in teorije sem povezala v smiselna poglavja. Rezultati so pokazali, da se otroci ob glasbi izražajo brez zadržkov. Tudi z uporabo različnih pripomočkov (kolebnica, kosi blaga, rutke) so pokazali ustvarjalnost in motiviranost za sodelovanje pri dejavnosti. Njihova gibanja so se razlikovala in kljub medsebojnemu posnemanju so pokazali veliko različnih gibov. Deklice so na splošno uporabljale bolj nežno gibanje, manj ostrih in hitrih gibov. Dečki pa so bili v primerjavi z deklicami bolj dinamični, več so tekli po prostoru, več poskakovali in bili bolj glasni. Elementi plesa so bili zajeti v različnih položajih otrok, dinamiki in hitrosti gibanja med ustvarjanjem z gibom v telovadnici. Ko je klasična glasba napolnila prostor, je otroke motivirala h gibanju. Dodani pripomočki pa so otroke spodbudili k razmišljanju o uporabi določenega predmeta in jih dodatno motivirali k ustvarjalnemu izražanju.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96959 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11775561 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.12.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The creative movement at preschool children
This thesis explores motivation of the pre-school children about art of movement. I was wondering if kids will actively participate in dancing activites. I wanted to encourage their creative side and expression of their experience through movement. My goal was that all of my planned activites would be a pleasant experience for children and that they would feel comfortable enough to participate with their creative movement. In theoretical part I described features of pre-school children, dancing art and children's creativity. With a help of different authors, I connected different theories in meaningful chapters. The results showed that children don't have problems about expressing when music plays. They also showed their creativity and motivation to participate in the activities when using different accessories (for example: skipping rope, pieces of cloths, headscarfs). Each of them expressed in different ways and despite imitating each other, they showed a lot of different moves. In general, girls showed more gentle movement with less fast and sharp moves, while boys were more dinamic. They were also running and jumping along the place and being louder compared to girls. Elements of dance were included in different positions of children, dinamics and speed of movement. Classic music filled up the place and motived kids to move, while given accessories made them think how to use a certain object and gave them additional motivation to a creative expression.


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