
ID Dežman, Jan (Author), ID Pevcin, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5E8EE1162806152B89CDF8D893F12A4B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c32f5633-6a61-4aec-a7ca-4f745389adb2

Z napredkom tehnologije napredujejo vsi aspekti v družbi, od komunikacij, poslovanja, izobraževanja do vojskovanja. Z vsakim novim tehnološkim napredkom se obramba države prva pomakne v smeri implementacije novih načinov vojskovanja. Čeprav je najemanje vojaške sile staro prav toliko kot je vojskovanje samo, se je v sedanjosti bistveno spremenilo. V tem diplomskem delu bo opisano stanje najemanja vojaške sile na mednarodnem nivoju kot tudi podana groba ocena vrednosti tega sektorja. Še vedno velja, da je najemanje vojaške sile na mednarodnem nivoju nišna dejavnost z zelo visokimi maržami in posledično dobičkonosnostjo. Predmet raziskovanja je pregled in analiza delovanja trga najemanja vojaških storitev. Najemanje vojaških storitev proti plačilu poznamo od začetka prvih civilizacij, ko se je takratna državna oblast pripravljala na obsežnejše vojne. Tekom razvoja civilizacij in prvih držav se je najemanje vojaške sile spremenilo z vidika pravnega organiziranja, najbolj sofisticirano obliko najemanja vojaških storitev pa smo dosegli predvsem v zadnjem času z razvojem korporativnega prava. Nivo najemanja vojaške sile bom poskušal oceniti s primerjavo poročanja držav različnim nevladnim institucijam, kjer bo vključena tudi analiza na podlagi ekonomskih teorij o nepopolnih tržnih strukturah. Zaradi primanjkovanja podatkov in nekonsistentnega poročanja držav, saj gre za občutljive podatke, je analiza otežena, zato sem uporabil tudi ustrezne metodološke prijeme. Analiza je opravljena na podlagi deskripcije, sinteze, dedukcije in komparacije med državami. Problematična je tudi analiza letnih poročil zasebnih vojaških podjetij, ki v svojih poročilih nimajo podrobno segmentiranih prodajnih kanalov in strank, hkrati pa so poročila tudi zelo skopa glede večletnega pregleda poslovanja. Glavne ugotovitve diplomskega dela so, da je najemanje vojaške sile izjemno velik trg, ki se letno povečuje. Sam trg je bogat z različnimi storitvami, ki so lahko neposredno vojaške narave, lahko gre tudi za ponudbo podpornih panog, ki so ključni del delovanja vojske. Zasebna vojaška podjetja delujejo v nepopolnih tržnih strukturah, zato lahko dosegajo izjemno visoke dobičke. Ista podjetja so lahko zaradi različnih politik glede višanja in nižanja sredstev za vojsko uspešna v razvitih in nerazvitih državah.

Keywords:vojaška sila, javni razpisi, Ženevska konvencija, zasebna vojaška podjetja, nepopolne tržne strukture
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96914 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2017
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With the advancement of technology, all aspects of society, from communications, business, education to warfare, are progressing. With every new technological advancement, the defense of the state first moves towards the implementation of new methods of warfare. Although the recruitment of a military force is just as old as warfare itself, it has changed significantly in the present. This thesis will describe the situation of recruiting military forces at the international level as well as a rough estimation of the value of this sector. It remains to be seen that the recruitment of a military force at the international level is a niche activity with very high margins and, consequently, profitability. The subject of research is an overview and analysis of the functioning of the market for the recruitment of military services. The payment of military services for payment is known from the beginning of the first civilizations, when the then state power was preparing for more extensive wars. During the development of civilizations and the first countries, the recruitment of the military force changed from the point of view of legal organization, and the most sophisticated form of recruiting military services was achieved in recent times with the development of corporate law. I will try to assess the level of military force recruitment by comparing country reporting to various non-governmental institutions, including an analysis based on economic theories about incomplete market structures. Because of the lack of data and the inconsistent reporting of the countries, as sensitive data are concerned, the analysis is difficult, therefore I have also applied appropriate methodological approaches. The analysis is based on descriptions, syntheses, deductions and comparisons between countries. The analysis of the annual reports of private military companies, which in their reports does not have detailed segmented sales channels and customers, is also problematic, while at the same time reports are very scarce about the multiannual business review. The main findings of the graduation thesis is that the recruitment of a military force is an extremely large market that is increasing annually. The market itself is rich in various services, which can be of a direct military nature. It can also be the supply of supporting industries, which are a key part of the army's operation. Private military companies operate in incomplete market structures, so they can achieve extremely high profits. The same companies can be successful in the developed and underdeveloped countries due to various policies for raising and lowering the funds for the military.

Keywords:military force, public tenders, Geneva Convention, private military companies, incomplete market structures

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