
ID STRNIŠNIK, BRIGITA (Author), ID Benčina, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 075D8C5F07976DCB708BDE0334CBADEB
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/50a9a4e6-c251-44f4-b75e-f10a3399b1a2

Podjetja veliko časa namenjajo preučevanju potrošnikov na trgu. Zadnje čase je opaziti, da je mlajše generacije čedalje težje navdušiti z oglaševanjem blagovnih znamk. Ker vse več podjetij ugotavlja, da mladi veliko časa namenjajo spletnim socialnim omrežjem, skušajo prilagoditi tržno komuniciranje svojih blagovnih znamk novemu trendu. Tudi v podjetju JUB zaznavajo, da so kupci blagovne znamke JUPOL pretežno starejše generacije. Ravno s tega vidika je bil namen izvedene raziskave ugotoviti, kakšen vpliv ima prisotnost blagovnih znamk na spletnih socialnih omrežjih na mlajše generacije. Študija temelji na ugotovitvah spletne ankete. Ciljna skupina anketirancev je mlajša generacija, stara do 30 let, ki je prisotna na družbenih omrežjih. Preko sistematične metode zbiranja podatkov smo prišli do zaključkov, da je za proučevano ciljno skupino ključna cena blagovne znamke ter da le-ta prevladuje pred poreklom in kvaliteto blagovne znamke. Poleg tega smo ugotovili, da se izdelki blagovne znamke JUPOL v izbrani ciljni skupini v večji meri niti ne uporabljajo, razlog za to lahko pripišemo dvigu povprečne starosti pri ustvarjanju doma in pri selitvi od primarne družine. Opravljena raziskava in njeni zaključki bodo v pomoč podjetjem, ki si želijo privabiti potrošnike mlajših generacij prek spletnih socialnih omrežij. Ker je analiza raziskave delno narejena na primeru blagovne znamke JUPOL, so rezultati koristni tudi za podjetje JUB.

Keywords:spletna socialna omrežja, mlajše generacije, blagovne znamke, JUPOL, raziskava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96729 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.10.2017
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Companies today devote a lot of time to examining consumers in the market. Recently, we have been noticing that the younger generations are harder to enthuse about branding. More and more companies are finding that young people devote a lot of time to online social networks; this is why they try to adjust the marketing communication of their brands to the new trend. The company JUB has been noticing the consumers of the brand JUPOL are more or less seniors. Because of this finding, the purpose of the conducted research was to determine the impact of the presence of brands on social networking sites for younger generations. The study is based on the findings of the online survey. The target group of respondents is the younger generation of up to 30 years of age which are present on social networks. The systematic method of data collection has shown that the price of the brand is the key for the study group and that it has priority over the origin and quality of the brand. In addition, we found that the JUPOL brand products are not even used to a greater extent in the selected target group; the reason for this can be attributed to the rise of the average age for creating a home and moving from the primary family. The survey and its conclusions will be helpful for companies which want to attract consumers from younger generations through online social networks. The analysis of the research is partially made on the case of the brand JUPOL, that is why the analysed data is also useful for the company JUB.

Keywords:social networks, younger generations, trademarks, JUPOL, research

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